# Files provided as-is with no license The following files are provided as-is and are not to be used for any other purpose than to be printed out for use with table top gaming. The files may contain textures from MechWarrior 4: Vengeance and MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries developed by FASA Interactive and published by Microsoft, and have been repurposed under Fair Use as cardstock textures. No permission is given to use these textures in other digital media or cardstock building projects. * 5x5x5_brick_building_2.pdf * 5x5x5_urban_white_building.pdf * apartment_building.pdf * apartment_building_002.pdf * apartment_building_6.pdf * barn.pdf * battletech_office_building.pdf * battletech_office_building_2.pdf * battletech_office_building_3.pdf * battletech_office_building_4.pdf * battletech_office_building_5.pdf * battletech_office_building_6.pdf * billboards2.pdf * blue_building.pdf * blue_building_roof.pdf * blue_glass_building.jpg * blue_glass_building.pdf * bomb_factory_mw4.pdf * brick_one_story_building.pdf * building_foundation.pdf * building_foundation_002.pdf * building_foundation_3.pdf * bunkers.pdf * bunker_complex.pdf * card-stock_building_tutorial.pdf * cardstock_building_tutorial.pdf * city_roads_4_lane.pdf * city_roads_new.pdf * city_road_set.pdf * city_road_set_2.pdf * city_set_1.pdf * city_streets_new.pdf * communications_tower.pdf * concrete_barriers.pdf * control_tower.pdf * darkbuilding_extension.pdf * dark_building.pdf * double_repair_bay.pdf * drop-port_tower.pdf * droport_tower.pdf * dropship_dark_gray_vlmarshall.pdf * dropship_gray_vlmarshall.pdf * factory.pdf * factory_2.pdf * factory_2h.pdf * factory_3.pdf * fortress_sldf.pdf * fortress_wall_set_1.5.pdf * fortress_wall_set_1.pdf * fortress_wall_set_2.pdf * fuel_tank.pdf * grey_building 2.pdf * grey_building.pdf * grey_building_roof.pdf * gun_turrets.pdf * hangers.pdf * hardend_box_bunkers.pdf * hardend_buildings.pdf * hardend_command_building.pdf * hardened_box_bunkers.pdf * helipad.pdf * helipad_2.pdf * helipad_mw4.pdf * house_lawn_2.pdf * leopard_and_instructions.pdf * mech_bay.pdf * mech_bay_inst.pdf * mech_bay_intstuctions.pdf * mech_repair_center.pdf * mech_repair_center_open.pdf * mech_repair_center_open_inst.pdf * mech_targets.pdf * military_storage_building.pdf * military_storage_building_2.pdf * missle_defense_turrets.pdf * missle_turrets.pdf * mw4mercs_storage_building.pdf * mw4_calliope_turret.pdf * mw4_double_repair_bay.pdf * mw4_factory_5.pdf * mw4_fuel_tank.pdf * mw4_small_repair_bay.pdf * mw4_weapon_storage_building.pdf * octa_building_tri_windows.pdf * octbuilding.pdf * octbuilding_2.pdf * octbuilding_2_v2.pdf * octbuilding_3.pdf * octbuilding_3_v2.pdf * old_gray_building_.pdf * old_gray_building_extention.pdf * old_grey_building.jpg * one_story_brick_house.pdf * one_story_house.pdf * one_story_house_2.pdf * one_story_mac_2012_home.pdf * one_story_office_building.pdf * open_mech_repair_center.pdf * open_mech_repair_center_instructions.pdf * parking-lot.jpg * parking-lot.pdf * parking_lot.pdf * power_station.pdf * power_station_alt.pdf * q-huts.pdf * q_hunts.pdf * red_building.pdf * reload_center.pdf * repair_bay.pdf * ruined_building.pdf * runway.pdf * runway_pavement.pdf * runway_pavement_1.pdf * runway_pavement_2.pdf * rustic_building.jpg * rustic_building_.pdf * rustic_one_story_building.jpg * rustic_one_story_building.pdf * rustic_three_story_building.jpg * rustic_three_story_building.pdf * sentry_alarm_towers.pdf * sentry_tower.pdf * shipping_pods.pdf * single_streets.pdf * steel_bridge.pdf * storagebuilding4.pdf * storage_hanger.pdf * storage_hangers.pdf * storage_hanger_2.pdf * three_story_building.pdf * three_story_house.pdf * three_story_house_002.pdf * trapeziod_office_building.pdf * two_story_house.pdf * utility_building.pdf * utility_building_1.pdf * utility_building_2.pdf * utility_building_3.pdf * vehicle_bay.pdf * wall_tower.pdf * wob_re-ed_camp.pdf # Files licensed under LGPL The following files are provided under a LGPL license: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt * (coming soon)