2nd Burrock Sentinels (Clan Burrock)

Clan Burrock.png
Second Burrock Sentinels Cluster
Formed c. 3064
Disbanded Yes
Previous Designation(s) 1021st Sentinel Cluster
Affiliation Clan BurrockClan Star Adder (previous)
Parent Command Zeta Galaxy
Upsilon Galaxy (previous)


Clan Star Adder[edit]

The 1021st Sentinel Cluster was formed in the mid 3060s from former Clan Burrock warriors and assigned to Upsilon Galaxy.[1] In 3066 it was one of three Clusters sent on a reconnaissance and fact-finding mission to the Inner Sphere and was stationed in the Periphery in 3067.[2] The Cluster took part in the mutiny of Upsilon Galaxy and revival of Clan Burrock in the early 3070s.[3]

Clan Burrock[edit]

With the resurrection of the Burrocks the unit was renamed the Second Burrock Sentinel Cluster and assigned to Zeta Galaxy.[4]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 1021st Adder Sentinels (Clan Star Adder)
Star Colonel Bartlett N'Buta mid 3060s[2]
Commanding Officers of the 2nd Burrock Sentinels (Clan Burrock)
Star Colonel Rachel McMillan Clan Burrock revival[4]



Composition History[edit]


  • 1021st Adder Sentinel Cluster (Veteran/Fanatical/80% Strength)[2]


  • Second Burrock Sentinel Cluster (Veteran/50% Strength)[4]


As a Sentinel cluster, it would have consisted of mainly second line BattleMechs supported by a Binary of fighters.


  1. Field Manual: Updates, p. 51
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Field Manual: Updates, p. 74, "Crusader Clans Deployment Table"
  3. The Wars of Reaving, p. 67
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Wars of Reaving, p.69
