Darius Graves

Darius Graves
Also known as"Warlord"
ProfessionArena Gladiator

Darius "Warlord" Graves was a Solaris VII MechWarrior and test pilot for the bleeding edge Spatha BattleMech.[1]

History & Tactics[edit]

Prior to his arrival on Solaris VII during the FedCom Civil War, Darius Graves did not exist, with the only information of his assumed background being that he was born in the Lyran Commonwealth based off his language and manner. Despite the lack of knowledge of his background, Graves quickly built a reputation as an uncompromising and highly skilled duelist as he worked his way up the lower leagues. In only two seasons Graves entered the Unlimited Division, his first match being as a last-minute in warm-up match ahead of the main McGruder vs. Williams bout. Most of the attendees would remember Graves' dogged performance and unexpected victory against his more experienced opponent rather than the lackluster main fight, with his performance also catching the attention of Doctor Géné Lyndon.[1]

Using the same seemingly limitless fortune she used to fund her creation of the Spatha, Lyndon secured the exclusive services of Darius Graves as a test pilot and occasional duelist for her prototype 'Mech. Graves would push the Spatha to its limits, and occasionally beyond, but would frequently chafe under the practical restrictions of testing in comparison to the unbridled action of the limited number of live duels he'd been allowed to fight with the prototype machine.[1]

After the Word of Blake invasion of Solaris VII during the Jihad, Lyndon pulled Darius Graves and the rest of her team from Solaris City and focused on building a second Spatha, seeking to improve upon the original SP1-X machine. Completed during the closing days of the Blakist occupation, Graves' first sortie with the SP2-X Spatha was highly successful, the shimmering, silver-blue 'Mech tormenting the battered Blakist forces like a high-tech ghost. So pleased with the debut of the SP2-X, Lyndon finally relented to Graves' pleas to be allowed to use it in the rebuilt arenas. The new variant's advanced features made it highly effective in the games too, mounting a Blue Shield Particle Field Damper that allowed Graves to shrug off a double-PPC shot from a Marauder during a match as it was nothing.[2]


Graves is the test pilot for both the SP1-X and SP2-X Spatha variants.[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, p. 158: "SP1-X Spatha"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Gladiators, p. 5: "SP2-X Spatha Warlord"
