Davis Grey

Davis Grey
AffiliationClan Smoke Jaguar
RankStar Commander[1]
ProfessionArmored infantry


Star Commander Davis Grey was an Elemental who led Strike Star Jungle, Stealth Trinary of the 362nd Assault Cluster in 3052 during Operation REVIVAL. At some point prior to REVIVAL he obtained the Grey Bloodname, one typically associated with Clan Cloud Cobra.[1]

He led the attack against Shin Yodama on Turtle Bay in 3050.[2]


ClanTroops places Grey in command of "First Galaxy, Stealth Trinary, Strike Star's Command and First Points" yet no such units exist. Invading Clans lists Smoke Jaguar Forces on Turtle Bay as 362nd Assault Cluster "The Silver Jaguars" with Binary Elemental under Star Captain Gran Osis as their only Elemental force.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Historical: Operation KLONDIKE, p. 35
  2. ClanTroops, p. 23
