MechWarrior 3/Damocles Commando Mission 3

Mission 3[edit]


Connor: We’re guarding a time bomb. The germanium shipped out earlier was only a fraction of Veil’s extensive stockpiles. The Federated Suns, the Lyran Alliance, the Rim Collective…they all stopped shipping via unescorted transports eight months ago. Too many vessels lost to the pirates. But the mining continued. And now they’re sitting on one of the largest treasures of germanium ever assembled. So, of course, the New Belt Pirates are staging for a planetary assault. The wealth of Veil will make Susie Ryan their undisputed queen.

Connor: Our guess was right – Ryan has retaliated, and is attacking one of the mining camps as I speak. Our job will be to head down and stop them. Alan Mattila will continue to hold the line further up, while Dominic Paine moves down to rendezvous with Portal.

Connor: Portal is the main base which protects the entrance to Madre itself. It’s our one secure site below the cloud cover, and should serve as a last line of defense. If the pirates find a way around Portal, the mine is in trouble.

Connor: So far, they appear to be heading straight for the base, if these advance camps are any indication of their purpose. But, I’ve never heard of pirates so eager for a head-on fight.


Connor: I’d like to think this is going to be a milk run, but…

Epona Rhi: But you’re a sensible man with an IQ above his waistline, and realize the pirates have been anything but predictable.

Connor: Close enough, Epona. Close enough.

Commander: Lieutenant, we’ve got heavy casualties at Op Able. We need that support now. Do you copy?

Connor: Damn! So much for the milk run. Roger that, Commander. We’ll be there shortly.

Epona Rhi: Payback time.

Commander: Thanks again, Sinclair. I’m glad you got here.

Connor: We’re going ahead to Portal. Everything okay here?

Commander: Nothing bailing wire and chewing gum can’t handle. Good luck.

Connor: Roger that. Sinclair out.

Corona Base: Corona Base to Damocles Commando. Ready for some good news, Lieutenant?

Connor: Let’s have it, Base.

Corona Base: We’ve located the camp the pirates are operating from. I officially request that you sanction it with extreme prejudice.

Connor: Acknowledged, Corona. Will comply. Sinclair out.

Connor: Enemy base sighted. We are engaging.

Connor: Damocles One to Corona Base, we’ve arrived at Portal. The road down to Madre is secure…for now. Where is Dominic? He should be waiting.

Corona Base: Dominic never reported in to Portal. He’s answered none of our calls out of Corona.

Connor: Damocles One to Paine. Sinclair to Paine! Dominic?!


Connor: I am officially listing Dominic Paine as…Missing in Action. We backtracked his proposed line of advance and found an area scarred by recent battle. The equipment had already been salvaged, though, no idea if his Shadow Cat was destroyed or merely crippled. Dominic may be captured. He may be dead.

Connor: The pirates really took us by surprise. If we had gotten there sooner, the mining camp may have just made it. Well, not all the news is bad. There were some survivors.

Connor: And, because of our efforts, Rim Collective forces are openly supporting an alliance with the Federated Suns. To be honest, I expected a major outcry from the Lyrans, as now the pro-Victor faction on Veil has a two-to-one advantage over Katrina’s supporters within the Veil mining coalition.

Connor: Either they are less a rival than we have been led to believe, or something else is going on here. After our next mission, I hope to spend some time getting at the truth here on Veil.