Ming-Na Salonga

Ming-Na Salonga
AffiliationKatana Stables
Team Samurai
Draconis Combine
ProfessionArena Gladiator

Ming-Na Salonga was a MechWarrior fighting on team fights on Solaris during the Dark Age.[1]

History & Tactics[edit]

Ming-Na Salonga was born on Dieron. Ming-Na Salonga calls herself a ronin. Her family was formed by Combine expatriates who joined the Republic of the Sphere after the Jihad. The family had moved from Dieron to New Kyoto shortly before the Blackout, and it was at that time, after landing a job from RAMTech that she learned to pilot a LoaderMech.

One year after the Blackout, some friends of the Ming-Na clan helped them relocate to Solaris VII, and it was here that she was discovered by a talent scout for Katana Stables. She was under the wing of the stable's master at arms and learned the fine art of her own style: "BattleMech Kendo" (a sword-dominant sytle).

The shattering of Katana Stables and her mentor's death in 3140 spared only a few of the stable's members, which morphed into today’s Team Samurai.

Her Dueling Record (W/L/D) is 36/8/4.[1]


She has weapons skill on par with any soldier, but in close-quarters her fighting style really shines. She demonstrates not only a killer finesse with her machine's seven-ton Vibroblade, but also an amazing agility in deflecting and evading similar blows from her opponents.[1]


Ming-Na Salonga was a Regular gunnery MechWarrior and an Elite piloting MechWarrior.[2]


Ming-Na Salonga piloted during her career on Solaris a HKZ-1FM Hitotsume Kozo Mulan.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Experimental Technical Readout: Royal Fantasy, p. 15 "HKZ-1FM Hitotsume Kozo Mulan"
  2. Experimental Technical Readout: Royal Fantasy, p. 24 "Team Samurai"
