Simon Johnson

Simon Johnson
AffiliationHouse Johnson
Title(s)Landgrave von Tessera Valley[1]
Position(s)Chancellor of LIC[1]

Simon Johnson was the Chancellor of the Lyran Intelligence Corps in 3025.


Simon Johnson rose to prominence as head of the Lyran Intelligence Corps, but did not begin his career seeking the position. Johnson first sought to enroll in a Lyran academy to avenge the death of his parents, who had been serving in a Lyran MASH unit when they were killed by a Kurita raid. Johnson failed the physical exam, but was recruited by the Bodians, the command and training branch of the LIC. Around the year 2889, he identified and eliminated Mistra Novosik, a Kuritan mole who had infiltrated the LIC. Though the mole realized his cover was blown and fled back to the Combine, Johnson doggedly pursued him for two years, living undercover in Kurita space until he could kill Novosik by posing as a doctor and injecting him with poison. He was then transferred to the Norns, the LIC's analysis and prediction division, where he served for another ten years before Archon Alessandro Steiner promoted him to head the LIC. Johnson retained the post after Katrina Steiner deposed her uncle and would continue to serve in that capacity until at least the 4th Succession War.[1]

Johnson was also a member of Heimdall, and a key element of Katrina Steiner's escape from Alessandro's assassins.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth) - "Simon Johnson profile", p. 158
  2. Warrior: Coupé P. 344
