
Vessel Profile


The LCS SpellSinger was a JumpShip of unspecified type in service with the military of the Lyran Commonwealth during the Age of War and took part in the Long March campaign of 2463-2468.[1]

It was described as a "Combat JumpShip" and may thus have been a WarShip, although the distinction was not meaningful at the time when JumpShip technology was still relatively primitive.

Its Jump Sail had a diameter of five kilometers. Tiny, remote-controlled robots called Sail Riggers were used to gather and fold the sail before a jump.

In what seems to be an anachronism, the SpellSinger was described to possess a docking mechanism that would reach out and capture a docking DropShip thought to be Union class. At the time, docking hardpoints for handling DropShips were a prototype technology so the SpellSinger must either have been brand-new or refitted with the new technology; also, the Union class of DropShip wouldn't be designed for another 240 years.
Alternatively, it might be assumed that the terminology used was inaccurate; the SpellSinger may have had the then-standard DropShuttle Bay and the docking vessel may have been a DropShuttle of an earlier class that was also known as Union.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), p. 22, "Jump"
