Alexander Duff-Gordon

Alexander Duff-Gordon
AffiliationBlue Star Irregulars

Alexander Duff-Gordon was the commanding officer of the 1894th Light Horse Regiment of the Blue Star Irregulars in 3054 and 3055.[1]


Following the destruction of the Twenty-first Rim Worlds Regiment on Fort Loudon by Clan Jade Falcon in 3054, the 1894th and the Avatars of Painful Death Regiment received permission from Marshal of the Armies Morgan Hasek-Davion to launch a retaliatory raid against Quarell in the Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone. As the commander 1894th Light Horse, Colonel Duff-Gordon was the overall commander of the Irregulars for this raid.[2] The Irregulars ignored the Falcons' transmissions requesting that they participate in a batchall, allowing the Falcons to use their entire force in the Quarrel system (three Clusters, a Fredasa-class WarShip, and its escorting OmniFighters) against the Irregulars and the Hell's Black Aces. The Irregulars and Aces aerospace fighters secured space superiority, and with the assistance of a ramming attack by one of the Irregulars' JumpShips, disabled the Falcon WarShip.[3]

On the surface of Quarrel, the Irregulars fared far worse. The 1894th Light Horse had captured several Falcon supply dumps, but could not help the Avatars, who were destroyed after being trapped by two Falcon Clusters.[3]

Colonel Alexander Duff-Gordon, decided to finally follow Clan traditions to extricate his people. After the 1894th captured a large Falcon supply dump, and Colonel Duff-Gordon issued a batchall, demanding the return of all Irregulars taken as bondsmen, all captured Blue Star medals, and safe passage back to FedCom space if he won a Trial of Possession, and offering to return the captured WarShip and supplies if he lost. Star Colonel Padrick Shi-Lu accepted Duff Gordon's batchall. Colonel Duff-Gordon led two lances of Irregulars against Star Colonel Shi-lu and a Star of Falcons on the Plains of Richlu. Colonel Duff-Gordon killed Star Colonel Shi-lu during the Trial, but Colonel Duff-Gordon was killed when his Warhammer's fusion reactor exploded.[3] Although Colonel Duff-Gordon died in the process, the Irregulars had won the Trial.[3]


At the time of his death, Colonel Duff-Gordon piloted a Warhammer.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Objective Raids, p. 23
  2. Field Manual: Mercenaries, p. 40: "Blue Star Irregulars: Command"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Field Manual: Mercenaries, p. 40: "Blue Star Irregulars: The Return of Kerensky"
