Cacey Duncan

Cacey Duncan
Born30 October 3093[1]
AffiliationHansen's Roughriders

Captain Cacey Duncan was a Mercenary MechWarrior, first with Hansen's Roughriders and later as a freelancer, during the Dark Age Era.[1][2]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Considered to be a beautiful woman, Duncan had deep-olive skin, shimmering blond hair, a bright white smile and hazel almond-shaped eyes. These looks were however the result of years of reconstructive surgery following being injured in a bomb blast.[1]


A career mercenary serving with Hansen's Roughriders, while on a garrison mission within the Republic of the Sphere before the Blackout, Duncan was caught in a terrorist bomb blast planted by pro-Federated Suns partisans. Critically injured to an extent which required years of painful reconstructive surgery, Duncan remained bitter and focused on revenge against the Federated Suns, and all who identified with them.[1]

This later resulted in her gathering a Company of like-minded anti-Davion comrades from the Roughriders, and attempting to defect to the Capellan Confederation, in order to have greater opportunities to kill Davions. When the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces refused to hire Duncan, she attempted to launch independent raids on Federated Suns worlds which the Capellans were already attacking, but her unit was mistaken for pirates by the Second McCarron's Armored Cavalry and mostly destroyed.

Duncan survived the loss of her unit and 'Mech, and was later able to salvage a new 'Mech on Menkalinan, but as of 3150 had not yet put it to use.[2]


Duncan was known to have piloted a Templar OmniMech, serial number FS261-16C, named Lancelot. One of the first Templar built for the Federated Suns, it was used in several clashes during the FedCom Civil War in the Capellan March, before being lost in combat against the Taurian Concordat on Bromhead. It was subsequently salvaged by the Roughriders, and used by them and Duncan, until the 'Mech was again lost in Duncan's defeat by the Second MAC.[1]

Duncan subsquently piloted a Templar III, salvaged from Menkalinan.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 224
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Technical Readout: 3150, p. 182
