Clara Parks

Clara Parks
Born10 January 3104[1]
AffiliationCapellan Confederation

Sang-wei Clara Parks was a MechWarrior, serving within McCarron's Armored Cavalry, during the Dark Age Era.[1][2]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Parks had red hair and green eyes, with an oval face.[1][3]


Early Life[edit]

Parks traced her family history back to Sang-shao Elaine Parks, her grandmother, and commander of the First McCarron's Armored Cavalry after the recaptured of St. Ives in 3062. Parks was very proud of this family history, and often used it in an attempt to gain respect from other members of the Big Mac.[3]

By 3133 Clara had not ascended to such heights, only having been on active duty for 5 years since 3128, but did command a Force Recon Lance within the Third Battalion of Second McCarron's Armored Cavalry as a Sang-wei. This Lance including Dmitry Voskavich, Jacyn Bell and Ed Hussan. Clara's tactics, like her more famous ancestor, focused on an aggressive targeting of enemy command units and exploiting the resulting chaos.[1]


With the Big Mac, Clara fought against the Republic of the Sphere's Hastati Sentinels on Menkar, as part of a small force inserted on the Republic held world secretly to assist pro-Liao rebels. At Training Camp Shadow-Delta-One on Menkar's Al Tizini continent, Clara helped train local rebels in anti-Mech infantry tactics, though her superior Sang-wei Vaskovich chastised her for being too little concerned with their safety.

Ultimately however, the Republic was victorious, and managed to push the Big Mac off Menkar.[2]

Danai Liao-Centrella[edit]

In November 3135 while on Liao, Parks was appointed as executive officer for Danai Liao-Centrella's Command Lance, when she was appointed to lead the Second MAC's Third Battalion.[3] In this role, Parks accompanied Liao-Centrella to Aldebaran, which they succeeded in taking the world despite resistance from the Sixth Triarii Protectors and local militia.[4][5] During this campaign, Liao-Centrella appreciated Parks' bravery, but thought she didn't sufficiently appreciate the importance of cosmetics in battle.[6]

Still with Danai as of January 3136, Parks came with her to Sian on the DropShip Silver Serpent IV, when she was recalled by her brother Chancellor Daoshen Liao.[7] She also joined Danai on a diplomatic mission to the Oriente Protectorate, socializing with her on the weeks long trip, until they arrived in March 3136. While on Oriente through March and June, Parks assignment was to act as Liao-Centrella's bodyguard, protecting her from both physical and diplomatic missteps.[8][9]

Once the mission to Oriente had been successfully concluded, Parks returned with Liao-Centrella to Aldebaran, where she remained until at least October 3136.[10]

Border Skirmishes[edit]

Between 3137 and 3145, Parks managed to rack up impressive kill scores, while fighting in border skirmishes with the Republic and the Oriente Protectorate. She however gained a reputation for risking the lives of those under her command, for the sake of personal glory, which attracted negative attention from the Maskirovka.[11][12]


On Arboris shortly before 3145, Sang-wei Parks led a First MAC Shadow Lance and platoon of light tanks, which was deployed as an advance force to secure the world before reinforcements arrived. Discovering Hastati Sentinels were on world in greater force than expected, it turned out Parks was outnumbered, and had to use hit-and-run ambushes to delay the Sentinels Company.

Emboldened by her victories, and driven by youthful impatience, she however made the mistake of challenging a RAF Peacekeeper assault ’Mech to a one-on-one duel. Despite being outmatched, she was able to exchange several volleys with the assistance of her Stealth armor and convenient weather, and eventual defeat the RAF MechWarrior with a lucky cockpit shot with her Gauss rifle. Claiming the Peacekeeper as salvage, Parks was able to keep fighting for several more weeks, until Capellan reinforcements came to even the odds against the RAF defenders.[11][12][13]


Clara was known to have piloted a Tian-zong BattleMech, serial number CC056-29B, nicknamed "Blaze" after Clara's grandmother Elaine Parks. This 'Mech came from one of the first production runs of Tian-zong built for the Capellan Confederation.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 149
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Battle for Menkar, Storyline #1: Liao Velvet
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Principles of Desolation, ch. 7
  4. Principles of Desolation, ch. 8
  5. Principles of Desolation, ch. 9
  6. Principles of Desolation, ch. 10
  7. Principles of Desolation, ch. 15
  8. Principles of Desolation, ch. 17
  9. Principles of Desolation, ch. 19
  10. Principles of Desolation, ch. 30
  11. 11.0 11.1 Technical Readout: Dark Age, p. 154
  12. 12.0 12.1 Technical Readout: 3145 Capellan Confederation, p. 44
  13. Technical Readout: 3145, p. 158
