Harsha Miskovitz

Harsha Miskovitz
Born29 December 3100[1]
AffiliationRepublic of the Sphere

Lieutenant Harsha Miskovitz was a MechWarrior, serving with the Hastati Sentinels, during the Dark Age Era.[1][2]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Miskovitz had black hair and brown eyes.[1]


Early Life[edit]

Miskovitz's family lived through the horrors of the Word of Blake Jihad on Sirius, during which her maternal grandparents died at the hands of Word of Blake inquisitors, in one of the Word's many reeducation camps. Growing up with her mother's stories of that terrible time, Miskovitz became fanatically loyal to the Republic, and amongst the most skilled MechWarriors within the Hastati Sentinels.[1]

Alae Battle Lance[edit]

While Miskovitz might have been seen as an ideal candidate for high military and political office within the Republic, she preferred to serve its ideals on the frontline, being a member of a Alae Battle Lance within the Hastati Sentinels as of 3133 under the command of Garlina Lyubkina. In this role, Miskovitz favored darting into enemy lines, searching for back-shots on opposing 'Mechs, before dashing away to try another angle.[1][3]

Battle of Menkar[edit]

Miskovitz fought with her Alae Battle Lance on Menkar, against a Capellan Confederation inspired uprising against the local Republican authorities, which was assisted by McCarron's Armored Cavalry. This included being ambushed by rebel Capellan anti-Mech infantry near Fort Amin, a small town on Menkar's Al Tizini continent.[2]


Miskovitz was known to have piloted a Blade BattleMech, serial number RS130-64A, nicknamed "Dunkeljäger" (Dark Hunter). This 'Mech was one of a batch constructed in the Federated Suns for the Republic between 3091 and 3096.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 161
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Battle for Menkar, Storyline #1: Liao Velvet
  3. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Liao Incursion Dossiers, Jung Chae Dossier
