Jeremy Donner

Jeremy Donner
AffiliationLyran Alliance

Jeremy Donner was an officer in the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth and later the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces and was the commanding officer of the Eleventh Lyran Regulars as of 3050.[2]


Leftenant General Donner, serving with the Eleventh Lyran Regulars, was stationed on Sabik in 3050.[2] By 3062, now-Colonel Donner continued to lead the Eleventh Regulars and was stationed on Alphecca. While Donner had never been considered one of the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces' best and brightest officers, his absolute loyalty and reputation for putting his troops' interests above his own put him in good stead - even if his deficits ensured he would rise no further in the LAAF.[1]

During the Federated Commonwealth Civil War, Donner's Eleventh Regulars were dispatched to Skye to determine whether the First Skye Jaegers had defected to side with the forces behind the Free Skye Revolt. Arriving on 22 July 3065, the Eleventh Regulars were allowed an uncontested landing before the turncoat Jaegers and planetary militia jammed their communications and struck them in the flank. Chased out of the city of New Glasgow and into the Bannockburn Bogs, and with two of his DropShips hijacked by Free Skye secessionists during the ambush at the spaceport, Donner called for his surviving aerospace assets to take the Eleventh Regulars off-world. Returning to Alphecca with only two battalions of surviving troops, Donner reported his discovery to General of the Armies Nondi Steiner - Donner's canny decision to leave behind numerous irregular operations soldiers also wreaked havoc on the Free Skye government for the next eighteen months.[3]

After the Civil War ended, Donner remained in command of the Eleventh Regulars and was stationed on Launam by 3067.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: Lyran Alliance, p. 93: "11th Lyran Regulars Unit Profile"
  2. 2.0 2.1 20 Year Update, p. 26: "Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth"
  3. FedCom Civil War, p. 148: "Skye- Wave Five"
  4. Field Manual: Updates, p. 179: "Lyran Alliance Armed Forces Deployment Table"
