Scott Tracyk

Scott Tracyk
Born14 June 3108[1]

Scott Tracyk was a MechWarrior, who served within the Swordsworn's Davion Guards, during the Dark Age Era.[1]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Tracyk had red-brown hair and brown eyes.[1]


The second in command of the Davion Guards, Tracyk was fanatically loyal to House Davion, and had the ear of Swordsworn leader Duke Aaron Sandoval. Despite this, the Order of Five Pillars believed Tracyk identity was faked, and had attempted to blackmail him on that basis. This was however not successful, and O5P did not have any information of what his real identify (if indeed he had one), actually was.[1]


Tracyk was known to have piloted a Legionnaire BattleMech, serial number FS278-17L, nicknamed "Trogmaster". Initially constructed for the Federated Suns, 'Mech fought in the Third Battle of New Avalon alongside other early production Legionnaire 'Mechs, against the Word of Blake. Following the end of the Word of Blake Jihad, this 'Mech was taken by its pilot to the Republic of the Sphere, where it became part of the Republic Armed Forces. After the Blackout, the 'Mech showed up with Tracyk, when he joined the Swordsworn.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 48
