Shanetta Yuen

Shanetta Yuen
Born5 October 3096[1]
SiblingsJames Yuen[2]

Shanetta Yuen was a MechWarrior, who served with the Swordsworn's Davion Guards, during the Dark Age Era.[1]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Considered to be a tall and graceful beauty, Yuen had dark skin, brown hair and almond brown eyes, a result of her mixed African-Asian heritage.[1]


Descended from former First Davion Guards officers, as with many members of the Davion Guards, she was however estranged from her Capellan Confederation supporting father. In contrast, her pro-Davion leanings were shared by her mother with whom she remained close, as well as her brother James Yuen who served as her technician.[1] Her brother's main complaint about Shanetta was the damage she caused to her 'Mech, including once during a skirmish with Dragon's Fury forces, due to his possessiveness over her machine.[2]

As of 3133, Yuen was serving in a Combat Lance within the Davion Guards, which was commanded by Markell Jefferson.[3] In this role Yuen preferred highly mobile battlefield tactics.[1]


Yuen was known to have piloted a Ghost BattleMech, serial number LC035-44C, nicknamed "Dark Shadow". This 'Mech was sourced from the Lyran Commonwealth, and was used by a Lyran MechWarrior serving in Stone's Coalition during the Word of Blake Jihad, before they were killed. Salvaged by a First Davion Guardsman, it remained part of House Sandoval's personal guard, following the formation of the Republic of the Sphere.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 178
  2. 2.0 2.1 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Sneak Peeks, p. 32 "Ghost"
  3. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Liao Incursion Dossiers, Shanetta Yuen Dossier
