Silvan Basin

The Silvan Basin is a vast polar depression on planet Verthandi, created by an asteroid impact many thousands of years before human colonization.[1] The Silvan Basin is thousands of kilometers across and is large enough to encompass the Azure Sea, the Fox Island plantation, and enormous tracts of blue-green jungle.[2] The Basin Rim cliffs that form the perimeter of the Basin are the eroded remains of the ancient crater's edge. There are numerous logging trails and roads throughout the area.[3]


  1. Mercenary's Star, p. 114: "Gunnar Ericksson describes local geography to Grayson Carlyle"
  2. Mercenary's Star, p. VI: "Verthandi surface map details"
  3. Mercenary's Star, p. 37: "Devic Erudin mentions lumber businesses within the Silvan Basin"
