Stan Severo

Stan Severo
Stan Severo
AffiliationFree Worlds League

Sergeant Stan Severo was MechWarrior instructor during the Dark Age Era.[1]


Born into a military family hailing from the Free Worlds League, during the time of peace created by the Republic of the Sphere Severo found a role at a MechWarrior academy outside of his ancestral nation, the Irian Academy of Combative Science on Irian. Becoming a man without a faction, Severo derived pleasure from showing trainee MechWarriors how little they know about piloting BattleMechs.[1][2]

At the Irian Academy, as of 3136, Severo was the primary assault 'Mech instructor and resident expert on combat tactics and history. His classes included one on the collapse of the Free Worlds League, though it was not enjoyed by all his students, including Bruce Theron. He acted as the opponent in live-fire trials for graduating cadets.[2]


Severo was known to pilot an AS7-D-A Atlas BattleMech named Headmaster.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 460
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Proof Is in the Pudding
