Tale of the Green Ghosts

Tale of the Green Ghosts
Story information
Author Christoffer Trossen
Type Short story
Product Games Unplugged

Tale of the Green Ghosts is a short story by Christoffer Trossen that was supposedly published in Issue 29 of Games Unplugged in September 2003. However, it is unclear if the story was ever written, or whether the issue of Games Unplugged it allegedly was published in was ever printed or compiled. According to the Assistant Line Developer, the Catalyst Game Labs archives that should contain anything ever officially published as BattleTech canon only have an empty folder for Games Unplugged #29, and nothing thereafter (while they did have content for issues up to #28).[1] The story is thus considered Vaporware.


BattleTech-related content from the Games Unplugged magazine has been confirmed as fully canonical (see Games Unplugged#Canonicity).

  1. According to this forum thread