Vera Solomon

Vera Solomon
Born17 November 3106[1]
AffiliationNorthwind Highlanders

Vera Solomon was a MechWarrior, who served with the Northwind Highlanders' Republican Guards, during the Dark Age Era.[1]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Solomon had black hair and hazel eyes.[1]


Solomon was, on the surface, a MiningMech pilot from Towne who answered Countess Tara Campbell's call to support the faltering Republic of the Sphere following the Blackout. It was however suspected she may have been a double agent, planted by Jacob Bannson, to infiltrate the Highlanders. Whatever the truth, as of 3132, Solomon presented as a model Highlander and excellent MechWarrior.[1]


Solomon was known to have initially piloted a MiningMech, before receiving a Shadow Cat II BattleMech, serial number CW590-35S. This 'Mech, nicknamed "Enigma", served Clan Wolf during the later years of the Word of Blake Jihad before being gifted to the Republic after that conflict.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 103
