Whatever It Takes

Whatever It Takes
Vessel Profile


Whatever It Takes was a Danais-class DropShip operating at the nadir jump point of the Emporia system when, near midnight on 3 April 3150, the JumpShip Nowaki arrived. The Nowaki 's IFF declared it to be a Federated Suns merchant, but when the Whatever It Takes happened to pass within sight on its way to Emporia the Whatever It Takes's captain, Elijah Hughes, recognized that the Nowaki was not what it pretended to be. He then accellerated the Whatever It Takes towards the planet to report (implicitly, sell) this information.[1]

However, captain Hughes was considered such a dubious figure that the local military assets on Emporia remained unsure of the possible threat, and were wary but still ill-prepared for the attack when it actually came.


  1. Iron Dawn, chapter 8, p. 55
