FITini [UseSound] [UseMusic] [systemHeap] ul systemHeapSize = 3192000 ul guiHeapSize = 4096 ul soundHeapSize = 767999 ul logisticsHeapSize = 16777215 [systemPaths] st terrainPath = "data\terrain\" st palettePath = "data\palette\" st paletteName = "palette" st artPath = "data\art\" st fontPath = "data\fonts\" st savePath = "data\savegame\" st spritePath = "data\sprites\" st shapesPath = "data\sprites\" st soundPath = "data\sound\" st objectPath = "data\objects\" st cameraPath = "data\cameras\" st tilePath = "data\tiles\" st tile90Path = "data\tiles\" st missionPath = "data\missions\" st missionName = "MechCmdr1" st warriorPath = "data\missions\warriors\" st profilePath = "data\missions\profiles\" st interfacepath = "data\iface\" st moviepath = "data\movies\" st tglpath = "data\tgl\" st texturepath = "data\textures\" st CDsoundPath = "data\sound\" st CDmoviepath = "data\movies\" st CDspritePath = "data\sprites\" [FastFiles] l NumFastFiles = 5 st File0="mission.fst" st File1="tgl.fst" st File2="art.fst" st File3="textures.fst" st File4="misc.fst" //Mucking with these is a real easy way to crash the Game!!! [CameraSettings] f MaxPerspective = 88.0 //Max Tilt Up Angle for Perspective Mode. Can't be larger then 90.0! f MinPerspective = 20.0 //Max Tilt Down Angle for Perspective Mode. Can't be less then 0.0! f MaxOrtho = 88.0 //Max Tilt Up Angle for Ortho Mode. Can't be larger then 90.0! f MinOrtho = 20.0 //Max Tilt Down Angle for Ortho Mode. Can't be less then 0.0! f AltitudeMinimum = 560.0 //Max Zoom In. Can't be less then 100.0! f AltitudeMaximumHi = 2000.0 //Max Zoom Out when tilted all of the way up. Can't be less then the above value! f AltitudeMaximumLo = 1800.0 //Max Zoom Out when tilted all of the way down. Can't be less then Max Zoom In! FITend