Victor’s so called evidence in convicting Katherine of the death of their mother.

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06/03/22 12:35 PM

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Part 1 ….

Stackpole M.A. (1992) Natural Selection, FASA Corporation, New York

Chapter 41 – Pages 318 onwards – 25 Oct 3055

After months of exhaustive investigation there were four people who had purchased tickets to the Frederick Steiner Memorial Library dedication banquet who had not attended nor given their tickets to someone else.

This included –

First Name:-
Ryan Steiner – The man Victor KNEW had to be behind the assassination.
Why – he had been a thorn in his father’s side from the moment he had wedded Melissa Steiner.
Was heir to the ambitious Alessandro Steiner, the man his grandmother had disposed.
Who had allowed Ryan to start his own career by betraying Frederick Steiner, another rival for power.
He had married Morasha Kelswa, heir to the title of the Tamar Pact – and a tireless champion for the independence of the Tamar worlds.
He also controlled the Skye separatist movement that had almost set off a civil war fifteen years earlier. [3040]
Ryan Steiner had the most to gain from Melissa’s death!
If Katherine had not pushed her role as a media darling to make peace between Victor and Ryan, their camps would no doubt already be on the brink of open conflict.
Victor was certain that Ryan was responsible for the continuing campaign of whispers blaming him for his own mother’s assassination.

Second Name:-
Anastasius Focht
However, he did give the ticket to the local Precentor to attend as his representative.
Victor had never met the man to date.
Focht had directed the defeat of the Clans at Tukayyid.
Melissa had spoken highly of him.
The lack of an apparent motive did not exonerate Focht.

Third Name:-
Katherine Steiner-Davion

Fourth Name:-
Victor Steiner-Davion
He was to be seated within the blast radius … if he had died, Katherine would now be in Victor’s place and Ryan Steiner would be that much closer to taking over the Commonwealth.

Or did Katherine expect Victor to die with their Mother?

Please Note – At this stage based upon this flimsiest of circumstantial evidence we see Victor Steiner Davion ordering the execution of Ryan Steiner by the same assassin that was used to kill his mother.

At this point I would like to interject two simple points – When Katherine became ruler of the LA did no one conduct an extensive search of the records to investigate what information was supplied to Victor and what his security teams were doing. For if they did and it could be corroborated that Victor was able to acquire and use the same assassin to Kill Ryan that was also used to kill his mother this would be the only smoking gun needed to convict Victor in the Death of his Mother!
If the aim was to kill both Victor and Mellissa at the same time, at the same banquet, wouldn’t this have been conveyed to the assassin as this was his true mission the death of both of them at the same time. Thus killing just one of them should have gone against his mission parameters – so you have to ask what was going on as the assassin was definitely going rogue at this point.


Stackpole M.A. (1993) Assumption of Risk FASA Corporation New York

Pg. 251 – Katrina talking to Galen – “When next you see Victor, you will ask him for my hand in matrimony?

Pg. 271 – David Hanau, the Duke’s assistant delivering a letter to Katrina – “Highness, forgive me but I bring you a message from your cousin.” – that is either the Kells and Ryan Steiner’s line …
Katrina’s eyes were already flashing anger as she read the note and then immediately tore it in half.
She then tossed the torn letter into a nearby trash receptacle. “Tell the good Duke that I would sooner dine with dogs than accept his invitation to dinner, Do you have that?”.
She then said to Galen “Hurry Galen, I am so impatient to have you by my side.”

Soon after the top floor off the Sun and The Sword Hotel in a fiery explosion – radio controlled.

Pg. 281 I have never seen her so devastated. She must blame herself. – They know Galen was the target. – “The Solaris City Constabulary made an intercept of a message to a ‘broker’ on Solaris asking for a hit on someone called il Capo. As that is underworld slang, the tip went to the organized crime people, but they could make nothing of it. The intelligence Secretariat now believes that the call was placed by a man who wanted Galen dead. We checked other records, because we have that man under surveillance but we believe a technical problem destroyed the evidence we need to show that his boss gave the order.”
“The man was Sven Newmark. He is in the employ of Duke Ryan Steiner. We believe the order came from Ryan.”
“Ryan? Ryan killed Galen?”
“He didn’t have his finger on the button no, but he gave the orders”

Victor then goes on to state to Katherine, “The man who arranged for Galen’s assassination was the same man who hired the assassin to kill our mother.”
“What are you saying?”
“I have all the evidence I need to convince me that our mother was assassinated on the orders of Ryan Steiner.”
“He must die, Victor”
“You must kill Ryan. He committed treason. You cannot try him in a court and keep the FC intact.”
“The evidence would not stand up in court. I know he did it. I have no doubt that he did it. But I cannot prove it.”
“He wants to destroy us, Victor. Kill Him.”
“I concur. That is what I will do.”
“How soon?”
“As soon as can be arranged.”

Pg. 355 onwards –

“On the eighteenth of April we received a priority message from Solaris that Sven Newmark, Ryan’s aide, had contacted Sergei Chou on Solaris, directing him to engage an assassin to kill Galen. We would have known sooner, but we had technical difficulties with our intelligence-gathering … I immediately dispatched Curaitis to Solaris with the intention of intercepting the assassin, faking Galen’s death to prevent further attacks on him, and giving Ryan enough rope to hang himself for my mother’s murder. As you know, the man who slew my mother operated from Solaris, and Chou was the man who negotiated the deal to kill my mother. Newmark supplied a link between Ryan and Chou.”
“We arranged for a troop of scouts to meet with Katherine so she would be out of the suite when the bomb went off.”
Victor required of Katherine to be distraught for her arrival back on Tharkad … why?

To make everything look normal … the hotel was evacuated and swept for evidence

Thus we come back to the note … after being sprayed with a chemical solution and looking for fingerprints and then under UV – what was found was the residue of a message written in novelty ink that vanishes after contact with the air – the message read “Galen is target. Run”

This is where they believe she did not say anything when she knew Galen was the target – However refer above …Pg. 271 “Hurry Galen, I am so impatient to have you by my side.”
Could this have been her attempt at keeping him alive?
I would also like to point out here her response to Ryan – this can be considered to be a coded message to call it off!

Also a psychological consultant concurred that she would have talked about her prior knowledge as part of the grieving process, first to accept guilt, then to work through it … she did not.

At this point I would like to check the credentials of the quack who said this … she is in Trauma and you expect her come forward? How many trauma victims (PTSD) bottle it all up and never discuss that horrific event?

Other Evidence:

Chou had a number of different methods for getting paid. In Ryan’s case, Chou used computer thieves to loot a bank account for the correct amount of money. Other clients would pay with high-odds tickets on ‘Mech battles there on Solaris. His most ingenious method, however, was buying up worthless properties for little more than the property taxes owed on them, and having a corporation buy those properties from him at an unbelievably inflated price.”

“We can trace no money from Ryan to Chou at the time of the assassin was engaged to kill Archon Melissa. We do have a land-sale deal that ultimately involves a corporation, whose head was awarded a title and a land grant at Katherine’s suggestion.”

At this point I would like to point out that as the head of a wildlife charity how many people would be using this to get close to her politically in the Lyran state and how many would use it as a tax dodge at the same time? I would like to point out every sane Tax Accountant would be utilizing this tax scheme for their own end for their high net worth clients.

The land this corporation bought for 20 million has been set aside for reclamation and rehabilitation into a riparian habitat, which means the corporation got a tax deduction for the full amount. In effect the FC paid for my mother’s assassination.”

“Ryan engaged the assassin and your sister paid for him?

And this is where it really gets interesting ….

“Yes, but we can’t prove it, not a bit of it.”
“If you suspect her of complicity in your mother’s assassination, how can you leave her here on the Throne?”
“Had I a choice, Alex, I would stick her away in the deepest hole on the furthest planet in the FC. That is an option, yes, but not a very viable one right now…”

At this point I would like to ask – what happens to the burden of proof and when a police officer gets so convinced a suspect is guilty, they become blind / refuse to consider to all other evidence that may suggest that another person is the true guilty party.
At this point in time can we say this is Victor? – he does NOT have the evidence and yet he has convinced himself that it must be Katherine to the expense that all resources are being used against Katherine and he is completely unwilling to even consider that another person could be guilty.

What also demonstrates that this assassination is a little bit off is the fact that Victor was supposed to be in the kill circle with his mother – this was NEVER supposed to be a one person hit if Katherine was the one orchestrating the hit as it would require both her mother and her brother to be dead for her get the throne on the following day!

The idea that the assassin was just after his mother only works if you place Ryan at the centre of the hit.

Someone is attempting to convert highly circumstantial evidence into actual evidence!

Part 2 coming shortly …
Get thee to Coventry … Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by this daughter of Tharkad … Our army shall march through. Well to New Avalon tonight.
06/04/22 10:48 AM

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Part 2

Coleman L.L. (2001) Patriots and Tyrants, ROC, New York

Pg. 6 It had taken a long time to gather the evidence implicating his sister, but Victor now had everything but the smoking gun to prove Katherine had been the mastermind behind her mother’s assassination. His people were still working to uncover conclusive proof.

In the absence of “the smoking gun” (direct evidence, is the evidence that is accepted beyond a reasonable doubt, it is capable of proving the guilt of the accused) all he has is circumstantial evidence … and the problem is its believability … will people believe that Victor did not manufacture it so as to get revenge upon his sister as she has taken the throne from him.

Pg. 217 “Adam. You can’t seriously believe that Katherine should be left on the throne.”
“Proof Victor. Where’s the proof? Cranston told me you weren’t behind the assassination of Melissa, but that’s just his word. The most he can pin on Katrina is that she might have known something about the death of Galen Cox.”
“yet you believe Katherine when she accuses me of murdering my own mother.”
“Katrina has documents that show how the assassin was paid. A land-sale scam that was ultimately backed by the Federated Commonwealth. Information is ammunition, Victor. Your state paid for Melissa’s death, and you were in the best position to arrange that.”
“Did Katherine mention that it was a corporation tied to her that brokered the deal?”
“No, Cranston showed me your evidence, and I admit there could be a connection. Although any corporation might have been duped into the role if the scheme was set up beforehand. And …she said you admitted to hiring an assassin to kill our cousin, Ryan Steiner.”

[At this point I would like to interject a little sanity – any corporation that could be linked to either party is surely a plant at the ease at which you can create a lattice of dummy corporations that have holding corporations in other states would make it near impossible to find the true owner. Also the idea that Adam can call Ryan a cousin is a totally laughable concept and would only be used to inflate the ego of someone who is insecure about their position in society.]

“Then it’s true!”
“You don’t need to admit it Victor, it is written in your eyes.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about Adam. And even if you did, you can’t judge it personally.”
“… Adam, and you might have the smallest idea of why Ryan Steiner had to die. And I’ll tell you this: he died more by his own hand than mine. Or, more to the point, by the hand of the assassin Ryan hired to kill my mother, but who I caught and turned against him in retribution, An eye for an eye.”
“Proof, Victor. Where is it?”
“I still have people working on getting it. When I get it, you’ll have all the ammunition you want.”
“But I can’t leave Katherine on the throne while I’m waiting.”

[Please note at this point Victor has admitted that he is removing Katherine due to a personal issues only and that he has absolutely has NO proof as to Katherine’s guilt. Also if you notice it, Victor side stepped the question as to the Proof as to Ryan’s Guilt thus Victor Killed him with absolutely no proof whatsoever! -You should also note that he has stated that he used the same assassin that killed his mother to kill another – implication - if he has used this assassin once could he have this assassin to kill mother must also be considered a plausible scenario?]

Pardoe B.L. (2001) Call of Duty ROC New York


Coleman L.L. (2002) Storms of Fate ROC New York

Pg. 65 Sven Newmark, as an aide to the late Ryan Steiner, he had helped carry out the assassination of Melissa Steiner … he had also kept the evidence needed to tie Katherine to the assassination plot.
Unfortunately Katherines agents got to Reg Starling helping him commit suicide … He’d made sure that the evidence ended up in Francesca’s hands – now in Victor’s safekeeping – evidence that she and Curitis were presently working to authenticate.
The Plan was simple, convince Katherine that Starling-Newmark was still alive and validate the evidence through attempts to cover it up.

[Please note at this stage can I say how childish this plan is – if the secret service identifies a dangerous individual who has a severe psychological issue towards the ruler wouldn’t they have a Standard Operating Procedure to capture / kill said individual on the spot if they thought for even a split second that that individual represented a risk to their charge’s life! Thus obtaining evidence through this means is about as misguided as it comes.
The only evidence that is required at this stage is an omission of guilt – how hard is this to understand? Though being in the narrative of boy’s own adventure story would explain the crudeness of it all.]

Pg. 213 Curaitus to Victor “We can prove that she has tried to supress Starling’s works, with lethal intent in at least one case. [except if they through someone under the buss as a patsy!] Now we need to establish her more personal ties to his old identity as Sven Newmark. Once we have that, we can prove obstruction of justice. We need to validate Newmark’s original that implicate her in a plot …”

Pg. 267 Bloody Princess IX painting … presented to Katherine “and how much is this person asking for?”
The Blackmail note was painted on the backside of the canvas, signed with an artistic flourish “Ten million Kroner. According to the note that is half what you and Ryan Steiner paid for the assassination of your mother. Ten Million and he disappears into the Periphery with the original safe and secure unless we ‘disturb’ him again.”
“Ever since Victor’s performance at the Star League conference these accusations are getting out of hand …”
“What are your orders Highness?”
“Find the man, Richard. Do whatever you must to lure him into the open. Then take him”

[At this time I would like to ask how many times has the sins of the leader been covered up in such a manner – and if found out how many times has a fall guy been utilized … the only one to take full responsibility is Richard Nixon and even he was Pardoned.]

Pardoe B.L. (2002) Operation Audacity ROC New York


Coleman L.L. (2002) Endgame ROC New York

Pg. 67 The package Starling left for Francesca gave Victor his first hard evidence against Katherine. If it could be proven. They needed to establish a provenance, which Newmark alias Starling could no longer do.

Pg. 160-164 The exchange of the painting, signed by the artist, in exchange for the money – However, 10 seconds after opening the bag and examining the money the rear of the sedan filled with fire.

Pg. 165 Curaitis captured Dehaver … Pg. 166 “You’ll tell me everything I want to know. But if you think you are ever going to be set down in front of someone with the power to commute your sentence, you are sorely mistaken. There’s going to be no law involved with this, just me.”

[Really? In broad daylight, and with how many bodyguards should he have at this point in time?]

[Also with the absence of the law – all evidence obtained becomes mute before the law and will be excluded if you attempt to bring it before the court.]

Pg. 232 Simply put Katherine, I have seen the evidence your brother has collected against you – and I ahe since verified as much as I need.”

[At this point I would like to ask how as most of it is conjecture linked to complex financial data backed up with phony reports from people who are dead and from situations that have multiple interpretations – and let us not forget Victor’s hunches as to the validity of the information.]

“and this was enough to convince you? Even without my answer or explanation?
“It is enough to convince a tribunal of nobles, I promise you.”

[Notice how he did not say a court room!]

Pg. 262
“It doesn’t matter what you want to believe, Yvonne. My charities and accomplishments will be made evident at whatever kind of trial you arrange. And I’ll be certain to show that Victor’s important evidence is nothing more than a twisted fabrication constructed to justify his armed aggression. You both have much to learn if you think I’m finished with you yet.”
“Except that there will be no trial. No public outcry. No martyred pleas.”
“At Victor’s suggestion I am simply invoking my authority to banish you from the Federated Suns for the duration of my life or yours. You are hereby remanded into Victor’s custody, at his disposal. And that may be the literal truth.”

“… the day you killed Francesca Jenkins … gave us what we needed to validate the evidence dron Sven Newmark. And Dehaver of course, handed us even more to use against you.”
“It could be argued that you tortured that information from him …”

The use of said information will be used discretely to convince people to forget Katherine ….

In Conclusion …

As no smoking gun / admittance of guilt was obtained anyone with a Legal background will consider this document of evidence with extreme derision as the death of Francesca Jenkins DOES NOT provide the link when you take it from the point of view the Secret Service was using a sting to apprehend a very dangerous and possibly psychotic stalker.

Also the majority of paperwork can be easily fabricated by either parties

Also where are the majority of the witnesses to this crime – every single one of them is now dead other than Katherine and I doubt she will self incriminate.

Final Point – Has anyone asked the citizens of the LA or the FS as to how they feel that there will never be a trial – only banishment

Can anyone say Watergate 2.0 followed by a pardon?
Get thee to Coventry … Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by this daughter of Tharkad … Our army shall march through. Well to New Avalon tonight.
06/04/22 11:31 PM

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Read the books again, read the sourcebooks again. It has already been explained.

Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
06/05/22 01:31 AM

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In re-reading the books again I have discovered inconsistencies that proves ...

the entire examination of the assassination is based upon a rank guess work
the means of financing the assassination is pedestrian dribble
the actual original instructions provided to the assassin – to kill Melissa proves that from the get go demonstrates a level of childishness to the story that just makes you want to bang your head against the wall
the causal links and the note in the trash bin is ludicrous as a plot twist – unless you are pre-pubescent with no real understanding of imagination.
The end plot twist that is supposed to provide a causal link – doesn’t
Also believing that the people of two realms would not demand the truth when victor takes her away is beyond ludicrous - they would demand she be placed on trial
– rather than being the action of a professional etc. is conducted by that of a rank amateur.

also the price - way way too low!

It is just too badly written to be considered a viable story
Get thee to Coventry … Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by this daughter of Tharkad … Our army shall march through. Well to New Avalon tonight.
06/05/22 09:34 PM

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So lets get this straight – Melissa is only worth 20,000,000 Kroner – a most beloved Archon of the FC.

Can I ask at this stage how many BattleMechs can be purchased with this amount?

Also, wouldn’t it be more realistic that she is worth (at a minimum) 10 Regiments of Assault Mech RCTs + Jump-ships + Dropships + Warships?

Or would it me more than that?
Get thee to Coventry … Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by this daughter of Tharkad … Our army shall march through. Well to New Avalon tonight.
06/06/22 03:24 AM

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On a side note

If Melissa is worth only 20 mill. wouldn't it be more fiscally responsible to train / hire a cadre of assassins and send them in to kill all the top people of your enemy - then walk in once they no longer have a C&C?

Whereas utilizing Mechs would be just too expensive and create more problems in comparison to the assassin's surgical approach.

Thus should we now choose a new name for game et al to reflect the change in the nature of the game to treat the assassin as the new king of the Battlefield?
Get thee to Coventry … Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by this daughter of Tharkad … Our army shall march through. Well to New Avalon tonight.
06/07/22 11:05 PM

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The fact the books says Katherine was guilty is a fact. Not sure why this is such an issue as all of the alt information provided has this outcome removed from the story line.
The first alt 'history' has the clans being pushed out of the IS by mass response teams, with the IS having warships or using nukes.
But no matter the initial opening scenario, the alt has Katherine killing Victor, so the entire civil war and aftermath doesn't exist.

Now since the arguments coming from the alt is trying to suggest canon is wrong, the fact that the alts say this event doesn't happen should either be set aside, or show the only thing here is that an argument is going to happen no matter what 'facts' are shown.
So which is it?
The alt change yet again from the only solution, to having to have canon events continue to happen in order to argue even more, in order to drum up interest in the alt?
I know what I believe.
06/08/22 06:55 AM

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Time sets all things right.
Alt. lives buts a day.
Canon is eternal …. an indisputable genre to achieve a certain effect such as inspiring us to wonder …


Then consider the underlining sub-plot and it is quick to see a hard left turn at reality.

Justicia would be appalled as to the underlining logic applied, Victor being the only individual with the ability to undertake such an investigation (as, since when did he obtain Legal Baccalaureate), and the lack of a presumption of innocence to ensure Katherine will be punished by a court, and in accordance with the law.

It is easy to say canon is canon and as such inviolate.

And yet when reading the text within there are multiple errors that indicate the original plot is not what was planned for … then there is the price for services rendered …

Sorry, but in my opinion, this sub-plot is perhaps one of the most ludicrously developed - from a legal perspective there is no water in the bucket!
Get thee to Coventry … Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by this daughter of Tharkad … Our army shall march through. Well to New Avalon tonight.
06/08/22 10:47 AM

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First off, Victor did NOT lead the investigation. There were plenty of others that did the work. Curtis being the main one in charge of it. So that is a false narative.
Second is the fact that not everything that goes on is printed. Background things, like going to the bathroom is assumed. So as the books said, conviction would have been more difficult in a public court. This is why a lot of military and spying crimes are not public hearings.

Where was the big uprising when Katherine was convicted? Maybe it was because anyone that would do so, was shown the evidence, and realized they would be convicted of crimes along with her. It is highly probable that blackmail and extortion was involved in this as well. Something Katherine would have done as well, so Victor was learning that from Katherine.

Do you really think a public hearing would be called for this? Think really hard before answering.
Evidence would have to violate national security, as they would have to explain code practices, which when shown on the holovids, would give the enemies of the state inside information to the spying technology. It would also give criminals ideas on how to communicate without saying anything. The simple position of a keyboard would say which code to use, so a common theme could not be reached to decode messages.
Agents involved would have to be called to the stand, to give testimony to the jury on the holovids as well.

And prove Katherine did not have a trial. Those around Victor all gave a verdict of her guilt. Victor was the leader of the FC, while Morgan was leader of the Arc Royal area. Both capable to hand out punishment for crimes.

Piggy backing off of another persons story, and changing a few things does not mean the changes makes the story great.

I think this is the last I will deal with this.
06/08/22 11:46 AM

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I get it, he doesn't like the assassination of Melissa and he's not a Victor fan. I do get that, but even though I know that the canon events are there, agree with them or not, they are the benchmark. Again Requiem if you want an Alternate Universe, you have to listen to us, canon events WILL NOT HAPPEN AS THEY DID IN THE GAME'S ACTUAL CANON HISTORY.

Yes, a civil war can still happen, BUT, and this is the important part, the outcome WILL NOT, let me say it again WILL NOT be that of the canon universe. Once you make changes to how Melissa was killed you have changed the driving reasons for Victor or Katherine to actually be at each other's throats.

You need to go read actual Alternate History, by REAL authors like Harry Turtledove, S.M. Stirling, and a simple search on any search engine, will give you tons of mainstream authors who have Alterante History works. Please read those, and you will find that things do not happen the way history says. Learn from those books so your alternate universe won't be taken as a joke.

All we see you doing is trying to use your ALT as facts, sorry buddy but that is not how it works, we are not going to play that game, your version is just that your's. We all have our own head-canon, but we also know it's NOT actual canon. You don't see to get that part.

The facts are there in three novels, plus a couple of sourcebooks on how and why Katherine had Melessia killed. If you can't accept those, then write out your ALT, post it somewhere and be ready for fans to either like or hate it. But keep in mind the ALT is still NOT CANON.

So I am done playing your game, you want to argue from your head-canon and fight about it, hey have fun, I am stepping out and suggest to Ghostrider to do the same.

Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
06/08/22 12:00 PM

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Victor did NOT lead the investigation

Book – Natural Selection Page 318 onwards – “after months of exhaustive investigation … Victor was certain that Ryan was responsible”

QED As per this Canon Tome Victor is clearly heading and directing the investigation towards Ryan.

As for Curiatis – he is Victor’s subordinate.

This is, therefore, an accurate narrative – Victor was in charge.

This is why a lot of military and spying crimes are not public hearings.

Ever seen Hover banking his black note book at a congressional meeting?

How about the Rosenberg Trial, and that is just the beginning ….

Where was the big uprising when Katherine was convicted?

Did you really expect an incredibly pitifully written novel to actually understand sociology on such a scale? Consider the recent social dynamics in America – outrage followed by demands for reform – however, in this case outrage followed by demands for a public trial, the people would demand no less from Victor’s statements that commenced this war – Victor assured the people he would have the proof … in not following through he has just lied to the people – and by doing nothing has affirmed the war was conducted due to his own personal animosity towards his sister – Victor at this point no longer has any credibility with the people of two Houses as if he does not acclimate to the will of the people he will loose their trust forever more!

Isn’t that correct President Ford? The howls of protest from both politicians and public greatly damaged his popularity ….

But I am not surprised this is not understood by hacks who failed to even understand even their own history.

Do you really think a public hearing would be called for this?

Isn’t there a public hearing in session right now doing just this? – where all information is available.

As for Agents – in the past they are placed behind a screen and their audio is muffled so as to disguise their voice.

So this has never been a problem in the past.

Victor was the leader of the FC, while Morgan was leader of the Arc Royal

At the end of the Civil War – Victor has returned to ComStar, thus he has no authority to do anything – unless provided by both of the new Lords.
Second, Morgan as a Pier of the Realm had sworn his allegiance to Katherine just to remain as a Pier of the realm. Secondly his social position is below that of Katherine therefore he does not have the authority to do anything! That is unless he wants to start a second civil war.

As Katherine has been kicked out of the FS and is currently within the LA the Archon is the only-one available – unless there has been a select judiciary court established and has been provided with the power to make a decision.

Piggy backing off of another persons story, and changing a few things does not mean the changes makes the story great.

This is the only way to creating reality within the game – if never fixed this just demonstrates how pitiful written it is.
Get thee to Coventry … Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by this daughter of Tharkad … Our army shall march through. Well to New Avalon tonight.
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