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04/10/23 01:35 PM

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Not sure how long they have been doing the things on Youtube, but have seen a few videos recently in their name.
The Creasent Hawks Training video being one of them, as well as Kickstarter for a new Mercenaries set.

Nice to see some advertisements for BT.

Nice to see some information on what happened since the clan invasion without having to buy hundreds of dollars of books. And yes. It is difficult to avoid some sarcasm here.
04/10/23 07:49 PM

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It would be nice to see CGL use their YouTube channel actually to support Battletech and Shadowrun, etc...but it's like they can't see to wrap their heads around doing things wisely vs. expecting the fans to do the work for them.

GW uses its site for promotions and updates, WOTC/HASBRO does the same, and other companies do so too, CGL, when they remember they have a YouTube channel they use it.

Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
04/11/23 12:33 PM

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It was the first time that I have seen CGL have anything under their company name on youtube. I don't know if the others that post about BT are employees or just people that like the game, so never considered them as advertising. More like let's play or reviews.

I did snicker seeing the kickstarter thumbnail come up. Might even watch that one sometime.

Now before anyone says anything, it was the first time I have seen one. It does not mean they don't have plenty of them up before now.

Just seen one that a tech was looking for an issue, and pulled out an Urbanmech plushy from an electornics cabinet. Cute.

Edited by ghostrider (04/11/23 01:06 PM)
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