Restarting Battletech

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09/25/23 08:14 AM

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Hey folks,

I'm recently getting back into Battletech but haven't played anything since like.....1998... But I'd like to form a Battletech group in the near future with the intent playing through the history of the setting.
Does CGL have things set this up properly? Meaning that they have things set up to demonstrate the tech creep through the Ilclan era, or would I have to do a ton of legwork from published stuff to get back to say...the start of the Succession Wars period?

Thanks for the help,

09/25/23 10:00 AM

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No, they have it set up rule-wise pretty well. Lore-wise, not so much.

From the point you dropped off, things went downhill fast, novels fell off, and while stuff was put out sourcebook-wise, the whole universe went off the rails when they mixed in the Clickytech, aka Dark Age stuff.

The best bet, get the 5 Core Rule books and read over those, a lot has even changed as far as the basic rules go.

Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
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