09/01/19 09:41 AM
Do folks use the lance sets that were sold or the regular mechs for Alpha Strike?
Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
01/22/20 12:54 PM
Battleforce lance packs? Or Alpha Strike lance packs?
There's no significant difference between the AS lance pack minis and individually packaged minis. I use individual minis and others I've played with use those plus AS lance pack minis together.
01/23/20 12:32 AM
Any of them. I am asking because I have seen many who seem to think that WH40K style rules apply to BT, and watched one group at a local gaming store get upset because of an Alpha Strike game was being run with regular BT miniatures vs the Alpha Strike ones.
Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
01/24/20 11:27 AM
The AS line is quite small. Do they get upset when someone uses a Daishi in AS? There is no AS mini for it. There are no official rules limiting the miniatures you can use, save for "official minis at official events."
IWM produces the metal minis that the AS minis are copies of (the old Beginner Set minis). The only difference is the material used to make them.
01/26/20 11:21 PM
And IWM also has Battleforce miniatures of the mechs, some of which I used for my groups as Protos or Powerarmor for different factions.
Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
05/19/20 02:32 AM
Battleforce lance packs? Or Alpha Strike lance packs?
05/19/20 10:01 AM
Quote: Battleforce lance packs? Or Alpha Strike lance packs?
These were box sets of four mechs sold for a while. The Battleforce ones were and are smaller versions of the normal mechs. These were supposed to be used with the Battleforce game and show the scale of that game, which was if I recall Brigade and higher.
The Alpha Strike Lance packs were sold for a while and you got four mechs that were slightly smaller than the normal IWM mechs, had bases already attached and were plastic vs the metal of the BF ones and other IWM mechs.
Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
10/27/20 03:53 PM
I purchased a bunch of them when I got back into the game a few years back when i needed to buy new minis. If I remember correctly, The minis are basically the same Ral Partha / IWM sculpts, just in plastic. So the difference between CBT and AS should be minimal.
I've never had any issues using either IWM minis or the normal AS ones CGL sold a while back. They are pretty indistinguishable to me once painted.
10/28/20 10:47 AM
The AS miniatures are a bit smaller than the IWM/RP mechs, not by much but a bit. Then again scale has changed agian with the KS mechs being 1/256 vs the normal 1/285 that is the industry standard for 6mm. Also keep in mind that scale is not a factor really since you can use what ever you want of the miniatures, it's the record sheet that's important.
Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
01/15/21 12:51 AM
A very interesting topic that I have been looking at, I think this is one of the most important pieces of information for me. And I'm glad to read your article. Thanks for sharing!
04/19/21 05:59 PM
I do not own any of the AS specific lance packs. I thought that were the same as the individual IWM sculpts... In either case everyone should use the same models as used in Classic; especially after the kickstarter. This allows gamers to play fast paced narrative games or detailed cinematic games all with the same model set. (Twice the value per model compared to other games).
I hope I didn't necro-this topic too bad.
04/19/21 11:19 PM
Alpha Strike Miniatures were smaller, not by much than the IWM sculpts, but most folks use both if they have them. I have played Alpha Strike with the normal BT miniatures and no issues. So it comes down to the group. And no one is going to use the same models. The original miniatures are smaller than the ones that came out in the mid-90s forward, so the scale is not an issue unless your group has that one guy who will complain about everything.
Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
04/21/21 01:32 PM
Quote: The original miniatures are smaller than the ones that came out in the mid-90s forward, so the scale is not an issue unless your group has that one guy who will complain about everything.
Even the early 90s stuff was badly scaled in a few examples. Ral Partha minis were generally on point, but there were a few oddballs out there. The Marauder comes to mind as being massively overscaled: its bigger than the Marauder II mini which makes zero sense game-wise. As I recall the Catapult mini was also too tall, and the Tarantula was much too wide to account for its small weight, but otherwise RP did a good job.
The plastic minis that FASA included with some stuff were even worse. The Locust was the largest mini in the box, bigger than the Atlas. It needed comparatively thick legs to not snap when handled but it ruined the rest of the model since everything was scaled to that leg thickness. That was a waste of money because I couldn't even use those minis in a game without being ashamed.
04/21/21 08:45 PM
No one who plays with miniatures is going to not let you use what you have and if they do, then they don't really know what it means to play the game to have fun.
I use mechs from all kinds of games to be the proxies for my homemade mechs, it's there as something to move around the table. Nothing more.
We aren't doing museum pieces that will be showing a historical battle, we are playing a game that is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. If I wanted to play something that required EVERYTHING to match and be to spec, I would play WH40K.
Given time and plenty of paper, a philosopher can prove anything.
04/22/21 07:12 PM
For the record, I meant I was too ashamed to try to use them in a match. They looked soooo bad. Nobody else was saying I couldn't use them. It was my own sense of pride.
Agree that any mini will work for BT miniature rules, so long as they have base sizes close to 1-1.5 inch in diameter (and preferably circular or hexagonal). I've seen some wargaming stuff with really large bases (3 inches or more) or odd shapes (pill-shaped Dark Age vehicle bases) and these you'd have to be careful using so as not to gain an unfair advantage. Anything is playable if agreed to use beforehand though.
10/20/21 06:06 PM
it is east to do
12/18/23 09:15 AM
I also prefer all models to be the same in terms of aesthetics and size. Overall, the message is clear: Don't let miniature aesthetics hinder your BattleTech enjoyment. I understand that there are different scale variations. I use the Alpha Strike line. Thank you again for the explanation!
04/17/24 08:37 AM
Quote: I also prefer all models to be the same in terms of aesthetics and size. Overall, the message is clear: Don't let miniature aesthetics hinder your BattleTech enjoyment. I understand that there are different scale variations. I use the Alpha Strike line. Thank you again for the explanation!Just like in online slots here , sometimes graphics and themes might seem simple at first. The real fun lies in the gameplay itself.
The different scale and aesthetics of BattleTech miniatures can be a bit overwhelming for new players. It's nice to see someone advocating for more consistency in this area)
Edited by miguel (04/18/24 03:56 AM)
01/12/25 07:15 PM
Quote: For the record, I meant I was too ashamed to try to use them in a match. They looked soooo bad. Nobody else was saying I couldn't use them. It was my own sense of pride.
Agree that any mini will work for BT miniature rules, so long as they have base sizes close to 1-1.5 inch in diameter (and preferably circular or hexagonal). I've seen some wargaming stuff with really large bases (3 inches or more) or odd shapes (pill-shaped Dark Age vehicle bases) and these you'd have to be careful using so as not to gain an unfair advantage. Anything is playable if agreed to use beforehand though.
got it, nice one