Author Archives: Martin Stenersen

About Martin Stenersen

Living in the far flung colonial islands of New Zealand, I often find myself far removed from major happenings in the world. However, the near-constant pestering of my dear friend, Revanche, ensures that I am at least aware of the slanderous rumors regarding all Kiwis' relationship with sheep.

The Art of War – An Interview with Matthew Plog, BattleTech Artist

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. That saying applies indescribably well to BattleTech. From the clean, sleek lines of scout ‘Mechs and vehicles to the thundering awesomeness of the largest assault machines, art brings the turmoil of the BattleTech universe to life. The images in our TRO’s and Source books lets us imagine […]

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Fidelis, Stone, The ilClan? Oh, my!

Warning: potentially accurate theory regarding upcoming novels below. Blaine Lee Pardoe, author of numerous BattleTech novels and source books, recently reported in his blog about a third BattleTech novella he is writing. The story, focusing on Wolf’s Dragoons, is scheduled for release in 2019, following two other novellas from Mr Pardoe, The Anvil and Forever […]

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The Succession Wars and so much more…

Way back in August 2013 we featured an article on Scrapyard Armory’s Succession Wars online game. With the surge in popularity of BattleTech both in virtual and physical formats we thought now was a good time to revisit this great game. Based on the 1987 table top board game by FASA, Scrapyard Armory’s Succession Wars […]

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