The near-defunct Crysis mod, a completely fan-made game, is back! Apparently it had never left; merely content while high-end PC players moved on to MechWarrior: Online. But MechWarrior: Living Legends appears to be back with a vengeance with a Forever Legends tournament beginning sometime in February.
Started originally in 2009 using the Quake Wars game engine, MW:LL has since been remade using CryEngine 2, where most of the lovely visuals for screen captures and videos were made. MW:LL was distributed through Bittorrent and can usually be found on their website.
For those with Crysis Wars installed, you can install the MWLL mod directly. Alternatively, you can install MWLL along with the Crysis Wars Demo.
With everything going on with torrents lately I’m not about to check if anyone is seeding the game.
The game is entirely shown from the first person, and like MechAssault 2 the default mode for the player is on foot while wearing an Elemental suit for Clan players and a Longinus for Inner Sphere denizens. And just like the Elemental and Longinus suits you have an arm weapon, back-mounted missiles and other weapons. And of course jumpjets.
Besides several ‘Mech designs- (I’m not sure how many but at least two dozen that I’ve seen in videos) you also have a plethora of conventional vehicles and aerospace fighters to use. The aircraft in particular look great and seem to move with acceptably realistic physics.
A thread on their forum outlines the details of how they’re planning the tournament and what the rules will be. If you have it installed, stay tuned to their website to see when the actual dates and times are.
Well bargained, and done.
They have a combined installer on the forum:,19022.0.html So, no problem grabbing it.
Two topics on the MWLL forums that include both torrents and download mirrors.
If you already have Crysis Wars installed, you can install the MWLL mod directly.
If you don’t have Crysis Wars at all, you can install MWLL packaged with the Crysis Wars Demo.
Thanks Meldaran and Vivicector !
BTW, I have asked to change the link on the site to GOuTY installer and they have changed it. So now link from the main page works too.
I just checked the link at the top of the forum. The only place I know to look for it and see the same alert.
“NOTICE: This domain name expired on 12/21/2013 and is pending renewal or deletion. Renew It Now!”
Not sure what you’re seeing, but a whois on the domain name indicates the following:
Original Creation Date: 2007-01-23
Expiration Date: 2015-01-22
Everything’s fine.