Well that was fast!
After Interstellar Operations was being written for years before release, the next Operations books came quickly after. Welcome, to Campaign Operations.
I’ve always wondered if other players play Campaigns as much as I tend to. My playgroups, interests, games, and more are invariably part of an ongoing campaign. It’s important for me because when I see the actual results of campaigns, folks play more realistically. If you have a company of BattleMechs for a campaign, you might be more inclined to jettison one that’s critical in four spots, missing its right arm where the main weapon was, and just had a blasted hip actuator and is reeling. You can save the unit by ejecting now, and then grabbing it post-battle, and just fix some internal stuff, rearm and re-armor it, and then grab a spare arm to weld back. You might have to make some changes with weapon payload or something, but the unit is saved for later battles if you can salvage it. A unit with both an XL Engine and CASE will just shut down when an ammo explosion destroys your left torso, not be destroyed. Sure, it may not matter on the battlefield right then and there, but it’ll matter later for sure when you salvage it. Folks are playing smart, long-game warfare, and worried about things like infrastructure, materiel, and support. Campaign BattleTech supports a realistic form of warfare.
It’s rare that I don’t play some form of campaign. They make me. They invest me.
So it’s odd to me that we haven’t had a lot of Campaign stuff in a lot of more Core works, even heading back to earlier editions of the game. We often have to wait for Campaign rules. Now, we had some good ones sprinkled around in Tactical Operations and a few more rocking Strategic Operations with linked scenarios and such. But it’s nice to have a new book that’s really focused on my zone of interest. So hopefully there’ll be a lot of stuff here that sells me. Now, there are still some things that are missing that I’d like help with as a GM of campaigns.
Take the industrial side of the Inner Sphere. We know that there is a cozy relationship between the Military and Industrial complexes out there. So how much would it cost to retool a Mechline to a new one with new technology? What does that require? So in a campaign, if I have a mercenary group with a good relationship with a particular company, how much would be needed to get your own ‘Mech design made? Or how much to simply reconfigure a current line? How about tanks? And similarly, lots of missions will have units head out for stuff of an industrial nature. “Hit that convoy!” “Take out that construction group before they can finish building their defenses!” Stuff like that. How much money is salvaged from ferrocrete? How about a few tons of industrial equipment? If my mercenary unit is being charged for damages to local infrastructure, how much does it cost for various repairs? TacOps has some of that, sure, but there’s a lot more out there I wonder about.
So I kept hoping that a Campaign-based rulesbook will talk about things like costs of military units to make, tooling factories, industrial finances, stuff like that. But that still hasn’t really made it to the level I like. Ah well.
Meanwhile we have a full-on Campaign Operations!
So what’s next?
Well you have the latest edition of rules like force creation and contracts. Everyone has to get their Objective Raid on, right? Buy some land. Build a base. And pretty much set up some shop.
And then skip past that for some formation building, and even some special pilot abilities. Now I have to be honest. I don’t have perfect recall by stretch of the imagination at all. But there are abilities here I don’t remember in other products, like the Fist Fire ability that lets you fire weapons in the hand of a melee weapon (or punch) at the same time and hitting the same location the physical weapon hits. And then we have stuff on conversions and campaigns for Chaos Campaign and Inner Sphere at War stuff. And don’t forget solar system generation either. I remember Beta Testing that for Interstellar Operations a while ago, but that was never included in it, and this is a lot more robust than other systems we had before.
So there’s a lot under the hood here to mention. Good stuff on my first read through, and I’m excited to try the new versions of some old rules, and new stuff as well. Fist Fire away!
So the main question then is what are you looking for? What excites you? What’ll be the first thing your playgroup tries out?