I was cruising Reddit earlier when I came across an announcement by SteveRestless that he would be hosting a MegaMek grinder on Friday as a point of avoiding the real life battles in the stores. He also added that grinders are an excellent way for newcomers to both Megamek and BattleTech to learn how to use the systems. SteveRestless defines a grinder as much like any other online videogame deathmatch:
“The format I’ll be using is that players will start in a low-tech light mech, with a mundane pilot, and things will go up from there as calamity ensues. Veteran and New players alike are welcome, and if someone is unfamiliar with using Megamek, I’d be glad to give them a few pointers along the way.”
You can join up this Friday on #battletech on the Espernet IRC Network (irc.esper.net port 6667 or here), or by email at restless@chaosgarden.net.