13th Assault Regiment

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The 13th Assault Regiment was a conventional arms regiment in the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces during the 4th Succession War.[1][2]


As part of Operation GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG, the 13th Assault Regiment was one of the conventional units assigned to attack the world of Marfik in August 3028. The commander of the attack, Hauptmann General Kathleen Heany of the 4th Skye Rangers, would ignore the battle plan calling for combined infantry and armor support in a mad dash to potentially capture Tai-sa Theodore Kurita who was stationed on world with the 11th Legion of Vega.[2][1]

Theodore Kurita would lead the Skye Rangers into the DonnerBrau Forest where they became lost and allowed the 11th Legion to break away and attack the Lyran's conventional forces who had little BattleMech support. The Combine forces successfully destroyed several units outside the city of Gether's Jewel before the Third Armored Battalion of the 13th put up a stiff resistance to buy their compatriots time to reach defensive positions. The 3rd Armored would suffer serious losses in personnel and Kathleen Heany plus some of her command staff would be put under house arrest pending the assignment of an inquiry into her actions.[2][1]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 13th Assault Regiment
Colonel Randolph J. Thompson 3028[2]



Composition History[edit]

Unknown, but mainly convention vehicles and infantry.[2][1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Fourth Succession War Scenarios Volume One, p. 40: "A Bold Prince"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The Fourth Succession War Scenarios Volume One, p. 40: "Valiant Defenders"
