1st Falcon Jaegers (Clan Jade Falcon)

Clan Jade Falcon Logo
First Falcon Jaegers
Nickname The Golden Wings[1]
Affiliation Clan Jade Falcon
Parent Command Epsilon Galaxy


Clan Invasion[edit]

In February 3052, the First Falcon Jaegers assaulted Pandora with the support of the 17th Battle Cluster.[2] They faced a combined force of the Gray Death Legion, 10th FedCom RCT, and the Needgate Militia. The Jaegers' Elementals inflicted heavy losses on the Needgate Militia unit, and the Tenth FedCom RCT was also heavily damaged.[3]

In a battle at the city of Vandmaal, the Legion destroyed approximately half of the Jaegers' OmniMechs, and many of their Elementals were destroyed by new Gray Death Legion power armor. Despite this, the Jaegers had more troops and the outcome seemed to be a foregone conclusion. The defense of the city of Needgate quickly fell apart, and the Jaegers pressed the attack. At that moment, the Gray Death Legion arrived and hit the Jaegers in the rear and flank. This forced the Falcons to withdraw from Pandora with heavy losses.[4]

By early 3059 the First Jaegers were an aerospace-oriented Cluster acting as a mobile reserve for Epsilon Galaxy.[1] They were stationed on Dompaire in the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone.[5]


During the Jihad, the First Falcon Jaegers were commanded by Diane Anu, Galaxy Commander of Epsilon Galaxy and then later saKhan of Clan Jade Falcon. Epsilon Galaxy took part in an aggressive response to the Lyran Alliance invasion of Kikuyu and Newtown Square in 3080. Epsilon was swiftly transported from its position on the border with the Clan Wolf salient into the Lyran Alliance - Epsilon being an intact and available frontline galaxy at the time - and redeployed in a swift campaign that saw Epsilon secure the worlds of Mogyorod, Clermont and Machida quickly and without the Lyrans being able to muster any serious resistance.[6]

After saKhan Uvin Buhallin was killed on Graus, Clan Jade Falcon elected Diane Anu as the new saKhan. The other candidate was Quinn Kerensky.[7][8] Diane's election was a moment of triumph for Epsilon, one made all the sweeter for the First Falcon Jaegers when Diane led them to Graus and defeated Rubinsky's Light Horse, a unit Delta Galaxy had been unable to beat.[6] Diane was still serving as saKhan and leading Epsilon in 3085.[9]

Dark Age[edit]

During the Rending the First Falcon Jaegers sided with Khan Jana Pryde; unlike the rest of Epsilon Galaxy, they survived intact. In the subsequent fighting to claim the abandoned worlds of the Wolf Occupation Zone, they secured La Grave after beating the Rasalhague Dominion's Eighteenth Battle Cluster.[10]

In 3151, the First Falcon Jaegers were commanded by Star Colonel Khalus Pryde.[11] They made incursions on Temperton and were present during the decisive battle for Terra, in which they destroyed the remnants of Devlin Stone's Old Guard at Gunnison.[11][12] On Day 3 of the ilClan Trial they served as the speartip of the Falcon advance around Staunton Creek, engaging the Wolves' Alpha Galaxy before being virtually destroyed by Omega Provisional Galaxy.[13][14]

By April 19, 3151, only Star Colonel Khalus Pryde and Star Captain Archer Pryde were all that remained of the unit.[15]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 1st Falcon Jaegers Cluster
Star Colonel T'daal 3052[16]
Star Colonel Bjarn Folkner 3059[1] - 3067[17]
SaKhan Diane Anu 3085[9]
Galaxy Commander Fred Buhallin 3145[18]
Star Colonel Khalus Pryde 3151[11]

Other Officers[edit]



Composition History[edit]


First Jade Falcon Jaegers (partial): CO - Star Colonel T'daal[16]

  • Trinary Assault
  • Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie Stars
  • Trinary Battle
  • Bravo and Charlie Stars
  • Trinary Elemental
  • Alpha and Charlie Elemental Stars
  • Rogue Fighter Star


First Falcon Jaegers (Elite/Fanatical)[5]

- At this point in time the First were stationed on Dompaire.[5]


First Falcon Jaegers (Elite/Fanatical)[17]

- At this point in time the First were at seventy-five percent of full strength and stationed on Toland.[17]


First Falcon Jaegers (Elite/Fanatical)[21]

- At this point in time the First were at eighty percent of full strength, fully equipped with OmniMechs, and stationed on Koniz.


First Falcon Jaegers (Elite/Fanatical)[9]

- At this point in time the First were at eighty-five percent of full strength, although the First was fully equipped with OmniMechs, and they were stationed on Pandora.[9]


First Falcon Jaegers (Elite/Fanatical)[18]

- At this point in time the First were at seventy-five percent of full strength, fully equipped with OmniMechs, and stationed on La Grave.[18]


This unit is commonly mistaken for the 1st Falcon Strikers, and visa versa. The two units are actually separate and under different Galaxy commands.[citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 105: "1st Falcon Jaegers" (The Golden Wings)"
  2. Day of Heroes, p. 52: "Game Setup"
  3. Day of Heroes, p. 55
  4. Mercenary's Handbook 3055, p. 52
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 162: Clan Jade Falcon Force Deployments
  6. 6.0 6.1 Field Manual: 3085, p. 117: "Epsilon Galaxy"
  7. The Wars of Reaving, p. 177
  8. Field Manual: 3085, p. 118
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Field Manual: 3085, p. 125: "Epsilon Galaxy"
  10. Field Manual: 3145, p. 156: "Epsilon Galaxy"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Hour of the Wolf, p. 329
  12. Hour of the Wolf, ch. 23 (PDF version)
  13. Hour of the Wolf, ch. 33 (PDF version)
  14. Hour of the Wolf, ch. 37 (PDF version)
  15. Hour of the Wolf, p. 512
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Day of Heroes, pp. 56-57: "Game Set-up"
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Field Manual: Updates, p. 72: Clan Jade Falcon Force Deployments
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Field Manual: 3145, p. 168: Jade Falcon Force Deployments
  19. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 105
  20. Hour of the Wolf, p. 438
  21. Field Report: Clans, p. 15: Clan Jade Falcon Force Deployments
