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Star League era | ||||||||
2616 | | 2617 | | 2618 | | 2619 | | 2620 | | 2621 | | 2622 | | 2623 | | 2624 |
Find all references to year 2620 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- Amanda Amaris of the Rim Worlds Republic is killed in a botched coup attempt by cousin Willard Amaris.
- Jeffrey Amaris becomes next Rim Worlds Republic President.
- Sanethia Kurita retires.
- Urizen Kurita named Coordinator of the Draconis Combine.
- Ariel Sorenson dies.
- Terran Hegemony produces the ER Large Laser.
- Bug-Eye-class WarShip enters service with the SLDF.
- Padilla Heavy Artillery Tank enters service with the SLDF.
- The redesigned SL-26 Samurai aerospace fighter variant is introduced.
- The SLDF introduces the command pattern variant of the Colossus DropShip.
- Original Kruger Combat Car begins production.