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Star League era | ||||||||
2748 | | 2749 | | 2750 | | 2751 | | 2752 | | 2753 | | 2754 | | 2755 | | 2756 |
Find all references to year 2752 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- Third Hidden War concludes.
- High Council of the Star League introduces amendments to reduce the limits of the Council Edict of 2650.
- Great Houses begin rapidly expanding their respective military forces.
- The Federated Suns reactivates the Twenty-second Avalon Hussars.
- The Outworlds Alliance launches the new flagship of their WarShip fleet, the Pinto-class corvette OAS Pulsar.
- September 9th: Conrad Toyama born on Styx.
- Joan Lestrade dies.
- April 16th: Tengo Aerospace is founded in the Sarna Commonality.
- The SHD-1Hb Royal variant of the Shadow Hawk BattleMech introduced.
- The ARC-2Rb Royal variant of the Archer BattleMech is introduced.