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Find all references to year 2811 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)


  • Le Blanc is liberated by the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns as part of the third and final major AFFS counteroffensive of the First Succession War against the Draconis Combine
  • February: Free Worlds League Military repels Lyran Commonwealth attack on Marsalle
  • March: Poulsbo is conquered by the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces
  • May: Acrux is conquered by the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces, completing their conquest of the Bolan Thumb
  • November: Marsalle is invaded again by the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces
  • November-December: Armed Forces of the Federated Suns begin invasion of McGehee
  • November-December: Armed Forces of the Federated Suns begin invasion of Tishomingo
  • November-December: Armed Forces of the Federated Suns begin invasion of Xhosa VII


  • Spring - Maskirovka unsuccessfully attempts to bribe ComStar technicians into defecting to the Confederation
    • Narrowly repulsed Capellan "terrorist" raid attempts to seize the HPG on Nanking.
    • Jerome Blake forms ROM, ComStar's internal and external security force, to respond to increasing threat.
  • Sandhurst Royal Military College reactivated as training facility for ROM.
  • Independent spacefarer communities from the Circe system cooperate to found a colony in the Fasa system.



  • The LCT-1E variant of the Locust BattleMech introduced.
  • Military-grade LM4/P Lumberjack is introduced.
  • ImStar Aerospace's production line for the Eagle fighter is destroyed.