2nd Wolf Legion (Clan Wolf-in-Exile)

2nd Wolf Legion
Formed 3058[citation needed]
Nickname The Blood Kits
Affiliation Clan Wolf-in-Exile
Parent Command Beta Galaxy

The Second Wolf Legion is a military formation of Clan Wolf in Exile.


The Thirty-Seventh Striker Cluster would effectively cease to exist as a unit during the Refusal War, with ComStar intelligence indicating its commanding officer, the infamous Marcos Radick, to have died in that conflict. In the war's aftermath, several survivors from the Thirty-seventh apparently made their way to Clan Wolf-in-Exile. A few remaining Warden warriors from the 341st and 352nd Assault Clusters joined up with survivors of the Cluster and were integrated in order to rebuild it.[1]

The re-forming Cluster was itself transformed in late 3058 into the Second Wolf Legion as the exiled-Wolves reorganized their forces, with most of the Second's officer corps coming from the old Thirty-seventh Striker.[2] The Cluster was still forming when it was deployed in Operation BULLDOG to Pesht, here it was attacked and almost destroyed during the Smoke Jaguar counterattack in August 3059, during which Star Colonel Deener Vickers was killed.

After the Jade Falcon Incursion of 3064 the Cluster took up a garrison position on Pasig.[3] Rumors that Free Rasalhague Republic forces were staging raids into Clan Wolf territory hunting for former warriors of the 37th Striker Cluster were a worry to Star Colonel Alexia, she even suggested taking a Binary of those troops to Tukayyid to allay the FRR concerns.[4]


During Operation SCOUR the Legion along with the rest of Beta Galaxy was assigned to Group IV of the Free Worlds League campaign. Their first action was on Skye alongside Clan Wolf's Delta Galaxy and Stone's Lament, here they faced the Word's Third and Eighteenth Divisions finally forcing the Blakists to withdraw after weeks of fighting.[5] They fought on Talitha[6] and were involved throughout the campaign.

In 3077 the Legion, along with Beta Galaxy forces, landed on Chara. There they faced off against the Steel Guard, a former Free Worlds League unit that had joined the Word of Blake. The Steel Guard fought the Legion to a standstill, and though the Wolf forces inflicted heavy losses on the Blakist defenders, ultimately they had to retreat offworld.[7]

By the time Beta Galaxy landed on Pollux for rest and refit, it was barely able to muster a Cluster of troops. This still left them the largest formation of Group IV.[8] The survivors later joined the actions on New Canton, Tall Trees, Saiph, and Asuncion.[9]

Dark Age[edit]

The Second Wolf Legion defended Incukalns from Clan Jade Falcon forces in the late 3140s. They were eventually driven off, but not before Elementals equipped with Black Wolf and Cuchulainn battle armor destroyed several Stars of Falcon 'Mechs.[10]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 2nd Wolf Legion (Clan Wolf-in-Exile)
Star Colonel Deener Vickers 3058 - 3059
Star Colonel Alexia Vickers 3061 - 3067[2][4]
Star Colonel Jamil Hall 3085[11]
Star Colonel Abioye Ward 3145[12]

Other Officers[edit]


In response to the Jade Falcon Incursion of 3064, this unit started training in fast-response defense tactics.[4]

Composition History[edit]


Second Wolf Legion (4 Trinaries/Veteran/Fanatical)[2]

  • CO: Star Colonel Alexia


Second Wolf Legion (Elite/Fanatical)[4]

  • CO: Star Colonel Alexia Vickers


Second Wolf Legion (Elite/Fanatical)[11]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Blumenort.[11]


Second Wolf Legion (Elite/Fanatical)[12]

  • CO: Star Colonel Abioye Ward


  • Star Colonel Alexia is also noted as Fetladral.[4]


  1. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 155
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 159: "2nd Wolf Legion (The Blood Kits)", Second Legion's officer corps were primarily 37th survivors
  3. Field Manual: Updates, p. 80
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Field Manual: Updates, p. 69
  5. Total Chaos, pp. 54–55
  6. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, pp. 45–46: "Talitha, Berenson Capitulate"
  7. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 48: "Chara Operational Report"
  8. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 80
  9. Field Report: Clans, p. 22
  10. 10.0 10.1 Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 10: "Black Wolf Battle Armor"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Field Manual: 3085, p. 129: "Clan Military Forces"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 174: "Clan Force Deployments - Clan Wolf-in-Exile"
