Find all references to year 3137 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- 7 February: Draconis Combine raid on Vega repelled by native and Clan Ghost Bear forces.
- 20 February: Unukalhai falls to Clan Wolf.
- 15 March: Anastasia Kerensky defeats Clan Wolf forces on Skondia.
- 1 June: Marik conquered by a joint force from the Spirit Cats, Clan Sea Fox, and the Oriente Protectorate
- 25 July: The Lyran Commonwealth begins Operation HAMMERFALL by invading the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey.
- 30 August: Millungera invaded by Lyran Commonwealth.
- 4 September: Battle of Bondurant (3137) invasion by Lyran Commonwealth.
- 31 October: Labouchere invaded by Lyran Commonwealth.
- 12 November: Lyran-employed Kirkpatrick's Invaders destroy Avanti's Angels during assault on Promised Land.
- 29 November: Simpson Desert is conquered by Lyran-employed Camacho's Caballeros.
- 5 December: Danais invaded by Lyran Commonwealth.
- 14 December: Battle of Tamarind (3137), Tamarind falls to Lyrans, leading to a ceasefire between the Duchy and the Commonwealth.
- Clan Wolf attacks former Republic of the Sphere worlds as a diversion.
- The mercenary unit Los Chupacabras takes heavy losses in an abortive Senate Alliance raid on Nanking.
- The Fourth Bear Regulars raid the Combine world of Schuyler.
- January: Clan Wolf begins migration to Lyran Commonwealth / former Free Worlds League border.
- 14 February: Oriente Protectorate and Spirit Cats ally on Marik.
- 6 May: Silver Hawk Irregulars are re-formed by Captain-General Anson Marik of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.
- July: The Lyran Broken Swords battalion is formed.
- August Acubens and Connaught join the Covenant Worlds.
- 27 December: The Vega Protectorate is formed.
- Former Clan Wolf Occupation Zone begins to be divided between Rasalhague Dominion, Clan Hell's Horses and Clan Jade Falcon.
- The Oriente Protectorate and the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth fight together.
- Rasalhague Dominion forces conduct various border raids on Draconis Combine worlds.
- 1 January: Theodore Kurita II is killed trying to breach Fortress Republic.
- 28 February: Emi Kurita fakes her death in a DropShip explosion.
- March: Thaddeus Marik appointed Warden of the Covenant Worlds.
- 1 March: Wedding of Magestrix Ilsa Centrella and Duke Ari Humphreys.
- 15 March: Coordinator Vincent Kurita, his son Ryuhiko Kurita, and Chomie Kurita (wife of Theodore II) are assassinated.
- 15 May: Yori Kurita named Coordinator of the Draconis Combine.
- 15 August: Jessica Marik's oldest son Janos IV is assassinated.
- Magon Scott succeeds Enrico Kirov as Khan of the Escorpión Imperio.
- The Stalker II enters service of the Duchy of Andurien.
- The first prototypes of the Wulfen OmniMech begins testing period in Clan Wolf.
- Robinson Standard BattleWorks and General Motors begin production of the Atlas III BattleMech.
- Standard version of the Republic Institute of Strategic Combat's Advanced Point Defense System enters limited production for the Republic of the Sphere.