3rd Crucis Lancers

Crucis Lancers 3rd logo.png
Third Crucis Lancers
Formed 27652785[1][2]
Nickname Achernar Lancers
Affiliation AFFS
Parent Command Crucis Lancers

The Third Crucis Lancers was originally a Federated Suns BattleMech regiment that later grew to become the centerpiece of a Regimental Combat Team under the same name.


Reunification War[edit]

In January 2583, the Third Crucis Lancers were deployed to the world of Kinkaid II in the Outworlds Alliance. The Federated Suns occupation of seven worlds within the Outworlds Alliance between March 2582 and January 2583 was a deliberate political move by First Prince Alexander Davion to frustrate the Star League and Draconis Combine forces attempting to shorten the border between the Federated Suns and the Outworlds Alliance. The Third Crucis Lancers were commanded at this point by Major General Gabriela Davion-Hart and followed her orders to subdue the Kinkaid Militia, rather than destroy them, but it took a four hour battle and five demands the militia surrender before the Lancers finally held the planetary capital.[3]

First Succession War[edit]

Ulan Batar was one of several worlds the Confederation managed to capture and hold during the First Succession War, despite a heavy counterattack by the Federated Suns[4][5] in 2809[6] after Chancellor Ilsa Liao offered to withdraw her claim to the title of First Lord of the Star League and to instead support Paul Davion's claim if the Federated Suns would return Chesterton to the Confederation.[4][5] The counterattack ordered by Paul Davion saw the Third Crucis Lancers attack Ulan Batar while the Fifth Crucis Lancers attacked the nearby Farwell system, beginning two more years of conflicts in the region around Chesterton.[7]

The Third was used to ambush Capellan forces attempting retake the totemic world of Chesterton in 2812, along with its sister unit, the Fifth Crucis Lancers, and other AFFS units. They utterly destroyed Cochraine's Goliaths, and heavily damaged the First and Second Ariana Fusiliers after a brutal battle for the planet.[8]

Third Succession War[edit]

In 3022, the Third landed on Al Na'ir and faced the Fifteenth Dieron Regulars.[9]

In response to the Fifth Sword of Light's invasion of Ozawa the Third arrived in 3026. They were able to drive off the Fifth in a few days, with the help of the Ozawa Urban Defense Brigade.[10] The Fifth took its revenge a few months later, however, when they forced the Third off of Markab.[11]

At this time the Third actually had four BattleMech battalions available.[12]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

In the Fourth Succession War, the Third Crucis Lancers attacked Tikonov with the other Crucis Lancer RCTs. After Tikonov was secured, the Third attacked Tigress with the Second Crucis Lancers. On Tigress Laurel's Legion destroyed the Third's headquarters unit, but the Lancers were still able to force the Legion offworld.[13] Once they had pacified that world the Third moved on to attack Kawich, leaving the Second to garrison Tigress. The Third spent the rest of the Fourth Succession War garrisoning Kawich.[14]

They took part in the Battle of Kawich (3029), part of Operation RIPOSTE.

War of 3039[edit]

The Third Crucis Lancers served as the garrison for Caph before and during Wave One of the War of 3039.[15][16] In June, the Ryuken-ni and the Ryuken-san attacked Caph. The Ryuken attacked the Third Crucis Lancers at their military base outside of the city of Aswan. Unknown to the Ryuken,[15] the Davion Assault Guards, Thirty-third Avalon Hussars, and the understrength Alpha Regiment, Gamma Provisional, Delta Provisional, Epsilon Provisional, and Zeta Provisional Battalion of Wolf's Dragoons had been deployed to Caph in preparations for an assault on Dieron.[17][15][18] The Lancers were initially overwhelmed by the Ryuken until reinforcements provided by Wolf's Dragoons and the Assault Guards arrived. The Ryuken escaped off-planet by raiding the Hussars' staging base on the continent of Brunnel.[15] The Third Crucis Lancers took only light losses.[16]

The Third Crucis Lancers were redeployed to Marcus. On September 9th the Twenty-fifth Marik Militia arrived and found a full RCT waiting for them. Within a month, the Third Crucis Lancers devastated the Marik forces and forced them evacuate on October 8th.[19]

Clan Invasion[edit]

As the Clan Invasion began in 3050, the Lancers were stationed in the Kentares PDZ on the Lyran side of the Federated Commonwealth.[20] The unit was held in reserve until it was called up by Field Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion. He assigned them to Babaeski, where they stayed even after the Truce of Tukayyid was signed. They conducted a number of raids into Clan Jade Falcon's Occupation Zone, including hitting the capital world of Sudeten.

The unit was forced to withdraw from garrison duty on Babaeski by the newly formed Lyran Alliance in 3057. However, the Lancers remained in place until Arc-Royal Defense Cordon forces could relieve them. During their time in the Lyran Alliance, they acquired from their raids a number of Clan vehicles and OmniMechs, including two new Hauptmann Heavy OmniMechs.[citation needed]

Civil War[edit]

The Third mostly stayed out of the FedCom Civil War, remaining on station in the Draconis March to dissuade Draconis Combine forces. In their time on Cassias the Third Crucis Lancers constructed an extensive series of fortresses and fighting positions.[21] The Seventh Crucis Lancer Armored Regiment and a 'Mech battalion were organized into a single combat command that followed Tancred Sandoval. That combat command reinforced the Mayetta Draconis March Militia, who were being attacked by the Bremond Draconis March Militia and Milligan Draconis March Militia.[22] The Lancers and Mayetta DMM relocated to Woodbine. There the Third's combat command and Mayetta DMM survivors were combined into one task force. On Woodbine they faced the Third Lyran Regulars. The fight didn't go well, but the timely arrival of a brigade from the First Crucis Lancers reinforced the Third Crucis and split the Third Lyran Regulars in two.[23] More reinforcements from the First Crucis Lancers arrived, and the Lancer units captured most of the Third Lyran Regulars.[24] The Crucis Lancers then landed on Tsamma, where they were pinned in place by the Tsamma Crucis March Militia. The First Royal Cavaliers also arrived on the world, and the Loyalist units inflicted serious losses on the Lancer units.[25] This was due partly to the Cavaliers' use of artillery shells loaded with chemical weapons. The chemical weapons were accidentally used, but the Lancers were pushed back by the Cavaliers.[26] Shortly thereafter a battalion of the Third Crucis Lancers dropped directly on the Cavaliers' base and captured it. This forced the Cavaliers to surrender. After securing their prisoners, the Third Crucis Lancers moved to New Valencia, the first stop on their way to New Avalon.[27] Soon the Third Lancers joined Victor Steiner-Davion on Marlette, and arrived on New Avalon shortly after that.[28] They took few losses, and actually gained an additional aerospace wing, the 594th Federation Wing, during that deployment.[29] As of 3067, they were stationed on Chenier.[30]


In 3072, the Third Crucis Lancers attacked the Outworlds Alliance planet Tellman IV after rumors led them to believe that the Word of Blake was using the planet as a base. This information was incorrect, and a combined Alliance Military Corps/Clan Snow Raven force destroyed the Third Crucis' 'Mech regiment.[31] The Third Crucis Lancers RCT was deactivated, and the RCT's conventional regiments were reassigned to the Second Crucis Lancers and Seventh Crucis Lancers to help those units rebuild.[32][33]

In late February 3075, diplomats from the Federated Suns traveled to Outworlds Alliance space to negotiate with the Snow Ravens. As well as a peace settlement, the negotiators hoped to arrange for the release of captured personnel from the Third Crucis Lancers and for the Snow Ravens to contribute aid to the coalition assembled by Devlin Stone. While the negotiations did result in assurances from the Snow Ravens that they wouldn't strike at the Federated Suns again unless provoked, the Clan refused to contribute to the allied coalition and claimed all of the captured AFFS personnel as isorla.[34][35]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 3rd Crucis Lancers
Major General Gabriela Davion-Hart 2583[3]
Marshal Jessie Pedroza 3025[36]
Hauptmann General Acabee Zardetto 30503054[37][38][20]
General Melissa Coulier 30673072[30][31]
Major General Julien Emerson-Green 3145[39]

Other Unit Officers[edit]


The Lancers prefer to be on the offensive, using the combination of both 'Mechs and Tank forces. As part of their strategy, they have their infantry forces fortified and hide their positions to surprise unsuspecting enemies pushing through their lines.[20]

Composition History[edit]


Third Crucis Lancers (Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[45]

Note: At this point in time the Lancers were a medium-weight regiment stationed on Marlette and were operating at four-battalion strength.[45] In 2821, the unit was stationed on Listowel and had been reduced to just over half-strength.[45]


Third Crucis Lancers (Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[46]

Note: At this point in time the Lancers were a medium-weight regiment and had rebuilt to a little over full strength. The Lancers were stationed on Listowel.[46]


Third Crucis Lancers (Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[46]

Note: At this point in time the Lancers were a medium-weight regiment stationed on Listowel, and had been reduced to just over three-quarters of full strength.[46]


Third Crucis Lancers RCT (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[36]

  • CO: Marshal Jessie Pedroza[36]
Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Caph.[36]


Third Crucis Lancers RCT (Regiment/Elite/Reliable)[47]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Sarna.[47]


Third Crucis Lancers RCT (Regiment/Elite/Reliable)[48]

  • CO: Hauptmann General Acabee Zardetto[48]
Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Cylene.[48]


Third Crucis Lancers RCT (Regiment/Elite/Reliable)[38]

  • CO: Hauptmann General Acabee Zardetto[38]
Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Babaeski.[38]


Third Crucis Lancers (1 Reinforced Regiment/Elite/Reliable)[20]

Note: Four Battalions of medium-heavy 'Mechs, equipped with eight lances of OmniMechs
Third Crucis Lancers Aerospace Brigade (2 Wings)[20]
Third Crucis Lancers Armor Brigade (4 Regiments/Elite/Fanatical)[20]
  • CO: General Acabee Zardetto
Note: One Battalion with Alacorns and Challenger Xes
Third Crucis Lancers Infantry Brigade (5 Regiments/Veteran/Reliable)[20]
  • Fifth Crucis Lancers Infantry Regiment - Leftenant General Raghib Li
  • Sixth Crucis Lancers Infantry Regiment - Colonel Emma Valentino
  • Fifth Crucis Lancers Mechanized Infantry Regiment - Colonel Christopher Snow
  • Sixth Crucis Lancers Mechanized Infantry Regiment - Colonel Lei Ntwana
  • Third Crucis Lancers Jump Infantry Regiment - Colonel Ronald Montrose
Note: The Sixth Infantry includes heavy towed weapons. The Fifth Infantry has engineering equipment.


Third Crucis Lancers RCT (Elite/Fanatical)[30]

Third Crucis Lancers Aerospace Brigade (Elite/Reliable)[30]
Third Crucis Lancers Armor Brigade (Elite/Fanatical)[30]
Third Crucis Lancers Infantry Brigade (Regular/Reliable)[30]


Third Crucis Lancers RCT (Green/Reliable)[39]

  • CO: Major General Julien Emerson-Green
Third Crucis Lancers Aerospace Brigade (Green/Fanatical)[39]
Third Crucis Lancers Armor Brigade (Green/Reliable)[39]
Third Crucis Lancers Infantry Brigade (Regular/Reliable)[39]


The Crucis Lancers brigade appears to have been created with the formation of the First Crucis Lancers in 2782, as the brigade didn't exist in 2765.[1] The Second Crucis Lancers were founded in 2783,[2] and the Seventh in 2784,[2] while the Third and Fourth had been formed by 2786, although the Sixth and Eighth Crucis Lancers were formed during the First Succession War,[45] indicating that the brigade commands weren't founded in strictly numerical order. A founding date range of 2765–2785 has therefore been given for the Third, to take into account that latest date in which the Third hadn't been founded and the earliest date by which they were definitely known to exist as a command.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field report 2765: AFFS
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 First Succession War, p. 33: "Those Left Behind (Continued)"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Historical: Reunification War, p. 122: "Continued Maneuvers Politic..."
  4. 4.0 4.1 Handbook: House Liao, p. 31: "Capellan Confederation after First Succession War - [2822] Map"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Handbook: House Liao, p. 29: "Ilsa Liao and Chesterton - A Gamble"
  6. First Succession War, p. 98: "The Davion Counter-Offensives"
  7. First Succession War, p. 93: "Far Enough: The Confederation-Suns Front"
  8. House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 47: "A Proffered Hand" - Units fighting for Chesterton are named and their results.
  9. Tripwire, p. 3
  10. Sorenson's Sabres, p. 42
  11. Sorenson's Sabres, p. 53
  12. House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 142
  13. The Fourth Succession War Scenarios Volume One, p. 18
  14. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 11
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Historical: War of 3039, p. 136: "Caph (June)"
  16. 16.0 16.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 136: "Deployment Table"
  17. Historical: War of 3039, p. 135: "Deployment Table"
  18. Historical: War of 3039, p. 141: "Deployment Table"
  19. Historical: War of 3039, p. 135: "Marcus (September-October)"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 Field Manual: Federated Suns, p. 69: "3rd Crucis Lancers Unit Profile"
  21. FedCom Civil War, p. 151
  22. FedCom Civil War, p. 58
  23. FedCom Civil War, p. 79
  24. FedCom Civil War, p. 80
  25. FedCom Civil War, p. 97
  26. FedCom Civil War, p. 142
  27. FedCom Civil War, p. 161
  28. FedCom Civil War, p. 172
  29. Field Manual: Updates, p. 128
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 Field Manual: Updates, p. 141: "AFFS Deployment Table - 3067"
  31. 31.0 31.1 Jihad Hot Spots: 3072", p. 97: "Duke Sandoval Denounces Lancers Attack"
  32. Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, p. 46
  33. Field Report: AFFS, p. 11: "Crucis Lancers"
  34. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, pp. 14–15: "Timeline of the Jihad"
  35. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 53: "The Jihad In Review"
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 136 (PDF version): "Addicks PDZ"
  37. 20 Year Update, p. 19: "AFFC Deployment Table - 3050"
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Objective Raids, p. 23: "AFFC Deployment Table - 3054"
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 Field Manual: 3145, p. 90: "Armed Forces of the Federated Suns"
  40. BattleCorps: INN Newscast (Solaris Broadcasting Co. section), news item published [29/06/3072]: "Pundits Pound It Out!"
  41. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 20: "Mobile Army Surgical Hospital - Notable Crews"
  42. The Fourth Succession War Scenarios Volume One, p. 18: "Defender"
  43. Force Manual: Davion, p. 36: "Third Crucis Lancers RCT"
  44. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 5, p. 10: "Marauder II - Notable 'Mechs and MechWarriors"
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 First Succession War, p. 134: "Armed Forces of the Federated Suns (AFFS)"
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Second Succession War, p. 94: "Armed Forces of the Federated Suns (AFFS)"
  47. 47.0 47.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 136
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 20 Year Update, p. 19
