3rd Wolf Guardians (Clan Wolf-in-Exile)

Omega Galaxy
3rd Wolf Guardians
Formed 3058
Nickname The Ceberus Cluster
Affiliation Clan Wolf-in-Exile
Parent Command Omega Galaxy (Clan Wolf-in-Exile)


The Third Wolf Guardians Assault Cluster was raised in 3058 from warriors of clusters that survived the Refusal War but were disbanded. In 3061 it was based on Morges.[1] In 3067 the cluster had taken up a position on Graceland and now simply known as the Third Wolf Guardians Cluster.[2]

In 3079 the Third was stationed on Bountiful Harvest.[3] By 3085 the Thcluster had moved to the planet of Fatima.[4]

In 3145 the cluster was garrisoned on Surcin.[5]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 3rd Wolf Guardians Cluster
Star Colonel Drew Mehta 3061 - 3067[6][2]
Star Colonel Kareem Fetladral 3085[4]
Star Colonel Bruce Carns 3145[5]



Composition History[edit]


Third Wolf Guardians Assault Cluster - Regular/Reliable [6]

  • 4 Trinaries, including:
    • Command Trinary of Strategic Command Stars
    • 3 Trinaries of two BattleMech Stars and a Star of either Elementals or Fighters


Third Wolf Guardians Cluster - Elite/Reliable [2]

  • 100% full strength, with 80% of the force equipped with OmniMechs.


Third Wolf Guardians Cluster - Elite/Reliable [3]

  • 85% full strength, with 80% of the force equipped with OmniMechs.


Third Wolf Guardians Cluster - Elite/Reliable [4]

  • 85% full strength, with 80% of the force equipped with OmniMechs.


Third Wolf Guardians Cluster - Veteran/Reliable [5]

  • 85% full strength, with 45% of the force equipped with OmniMechs.


The Cluster is correctly listed as the Third Wolf Guardians in Field Manual: Warden Clans and Field Manual: 3085. However, in Field Manual: Updates, Field Report: Clans and Field Manual: 3145 they are referred to as Guards. This is an error replicated with all Guardian clusters, which is most easily seen with the confusion between Alpha Galaxy's Fourth wolf Guards and Omega Galaxy's Fourth Wolf Guardians.


  1. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 166, "Clan Wolf-in-Exile"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Field Manual: Updates, p. 80: "Warden Clans Deployment Table - Clan Wolf-in-Exile"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Field Report: Clans, p. 22
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Field Manual: 3085, p. 129
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Field Manual: 3145, p. 174, "Clan Force Deployments - Clan Wolf-in-Exile"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 160, "Omega Galaxy - 3rd Wolf Guardians Profile"
