7th Imperial City Militia

7th Imperial City Militia
Affiliation Draconis Combine
Parent Command DCMS

The Seventh Imperial City Militia is a combined-arms militia regiment based on the Draconis Combine capital world Luthien.[1]


Battle of Luthien[edit]

The Seventh formed part of a final reserve force inside the Imperial City during the Battle of Luthien in 3052. Engaging elements of the Fourth Nova Cat Regulars[2]

The Coordinator Birthday Coup of 3058[edit]

The Seventh Imperial City Militia was honored to allow pass in review of the Coordinator during his birthday review in July 1st, 3058. Their BattleMechs were seen marching past in review of Coordinator Theodore Kurita in Unity Square prior to the assassination attempt on his life.[3]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 7th Imperial City Militia



Composition History[edit]


7th Imperial City Militia (Regiment/Regular)[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Luthien, p. 25
  2. Luthien, p. 78
  3. Black Dragon, pp. 342–343: 7th Militia 'Mechs march by grandstand of Coordinator Theodore Kurita as part of his birthday celebration on July 1st. 3058.
