Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Rook


Abagnar 3151.svg
System Information
X:Y Coordinates380.231 : 314.823[e]

Abagnar is the location of at least one habitable planet and was located in the Ningxia Prefecture of the Draconis Combine as of 3145.[1][2]

System History[edit]

The Abagnar system was colonized at some point during the Star League era[3][4] and was affiliated with the Draconis Combine thereafter; during the thirty-first century, Abagnar was notably close to the notorious pirate system known as Rezak's Hole.[citation needed]

Planetary History[edit]

The planet Abagnar was a simple agricultural world of little significance; ninety-five percent of the planetary population lived in or around the capital city, Hancock City, and the only notable establishment on the planet was the School of Medicines and Medical Procedures.[citation needed]

Political Affiliation[edit]

Planetary Locations[edit]

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 20 systems (19 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Hongor 9.8 Takata 19.3 Multan 21.8 Land's End 28.1
Huaide 28.4 Abiy Adi 30.8 Pusht-i-rud 34.6 Kokpekty 34.9
Soul 35.8 Linqing 38.8 Thimphu 44.0 Rezak's Hole 45.3
Korramabad 50.2 Sikkim 51.1 Enif 55.4 Old Canton 55.8
Kamarod 56.7 Monywa 58.2 Kanto 58.4 Ad Duwayd 62.4


  1. 1.0 1.1 Era Report: 3145, p. 39, "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. VI, "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Historical: Reunification War, p. 159, "Inner Sphere - [2596] Map"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Era Report: 2750, p. 37, "Inner Sphere - [2750] Map"
  5. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 18, "Draconis Combine - [2319] Map"
  6. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 31, "Draconis Combine after Age of War - [2571] Map"
  7. Field Manual: SLDF, p. vii, "Inner Sphere - [2764] Map"
  8. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 11, "Inner Sphere - [2765] Map"
  9. First Succession War (sourcebook), pp. 24-25, "Inner Sphere - [2786] Map"
  10. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 43, "Draconis Combine after First Succession War - [2822] Map"
  11. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 122-123, "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  12. First Succession War (sourcebook), pp. 112-113, "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  13. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 53, "Draconis Combine after Second Succession War - [2864] Map"
  14. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. vii, "Draconis Combine - [3025] Map"
  15. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 64, "Draconis Combine after Third Succession War - [3025] Map"
  16. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 66, "Draconis Combine after Fourth Succession War - [3030] Map"
  17. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 68, "Draconis Combine after War of 3039 - [3040] Map"
  18. Historical: War of 3039, p. 133, "Inner Sphere - 3040"
  19. Era Report: 3052, p. 11, "Inner Sphere - [3050] Map"
  20. Era Report: 3052, p. 23, "Inner Sphere - [3052] Map"
  21. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 71, "Draconis Combine after Operation REVIVAL - [3052] Map"
  22. Era Report: 3062, p. 11, "Inner Sphere - [3057] Map"
  23. Era Report: 3062, p. 29, "Inner Sphere - [3063] Map"
  24. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 74, "Draconis Combine after FedCom Civil War - [3067] Map"
  25. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 43, "Inner Sphere Map - [October 3067]"
  26. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 65, "Inner Sphere - [3075] Map"
  27. ">Field Report: DCMS, p. 21, "Draconis Combine Muster Soldiery Deployment Table - [August 3079]"
  28. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 63, "Inner Sphere - [3081] Map"
  29. Field Manual: 3085, p. vii, "Inner Sphere - [3085] Map"
  30. Era Report: 3145, p. 11, "Inner Sphere - [3135] Map"
