Addicks Draconis March Militia

Brigade Insignia of the Draconis March Militia
Addicks Draconis March Militia
Affiliation Federated Suns
Parent Command Draconis March Militia

The Addicks Draconis March Militia was a subordinate military command to the Draconis March Militia.


The Addicks Draconis March Militia was one of the few Draconis March Militia units the same size as a front-line regimental combat team. This was due to the Addicks PDZ being one of the busiest and most highly contested areas in the Federated Suns. The Addicks DMM lacked JumpShips to maneuver through the PDZ, so it typically split into smaller units stationed on several worlds.[1]

This lack of transport assets was offset by Nancy Bannson, who secretly prepositioned several commercial and military JumpShips around the Addicks PDZ so the command could reassemble on Addicks in the event of an emergency.[1]

During the FedCom Civil War, the Addicks DMM faced off against the Davion Assault Guards and the 1st NAIS Training Cadre. The March Militia unit quickly surrendered. Troops that were loyal to the Federated Suns later formed a small subcommand that fought alongside the Assault Guards during the DCMS's reprisal raid.[2]

In 3069, the Word of Blake invaded Addicks. The Addicks DMM was completely destroyed,[3] though the survivors, no longer a coherent unit, merged with other loyal forces to the AFFS to fight the WoB.[4]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Addicks Draconis March Militia
Major General Dether DeBurke 3025[5]
Leftenant General Nancy Bannson 3050-3062[6][7][1]
Major General Reagan Feinman 3067[8]

Other Officers[edit]


The militia must defend many planets and fighting normally in smaller engagements. When larger formations make an attempt to conquest the defenders go in the underground, engaging in a guerrilla campaign and waiting for reinforcements.[1]

Composition History[edit]


Addicks Draconis March Militia (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[5]

Note: At this point in time, the unit was stationed on Addicks and comprised of 12 regiments.[5]


Addicks DMM (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[11]

Note: At this point in time, the command was stationed on Addicks.[11]


Addicks Draconis March Militia (Regiment/Regular/Reliable) [12]

Note: At this point in time, the command was stationed on Addicks.[12]


Addicks Draconis March Militia (Regiment/Regular/Reliable) [13]

  • CO: Leftenant General Nancy Bannson [13]
Note: At this point in time, the command was stationed on Addicks.[13]


Addicks Draconis March Militia (1 Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[1]

Addicks DMM Aerospace (1 Wing/Green/Reliable)[1]
Addicks DMM Armor Brigade (3 Regiments/Regular/Reliable)[1]
  • CO: Leftenant General Nancy Bannson
Addicks DMM Infantry Brigade (5 Regiments/Regular/Reliable)[1]


Addicks Draconis March Militia (Veteran/Reliable)[8]

Addicks DMM Aerospace (Wing/Veteran/Reliable)[8]
Addicks DMM Armor Brigade (Regular/Questionable)[8]
Addicks DMM Infantry Brigade (Green/Questionable)[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Field Manual: Federated Suns, p. 119, "Militia Profile"
  2. Field Manual: Updates, p. 135
  3. Field Report: AFFS, p. 18
  4. The Third Time - BattleCorps Scenarios: 3:10 to Saint Randall
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 136 (PDF version), "Federated Suns Deployment Table"
  6. 20 Year Update, p. 19, "AFFC Deployment Table - 3050"
  7. Objective Raids, p. 13, "AFFC Deployment Table - 3054"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Field Manual: Updates, p. 140, "AFFS Deployment Table - 3067"
  9. Force Manual: Davion, p. 56: "Addicks Draconis March Militia"
  10. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 106: "SDR-5V Spider - Notable MechWarriors"
  11. 11.0 11.1 Historical: War of 3039, p.136
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 20 Year Update, p. 19
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Objective Raids, p. 13
