Albion (Clan System)

This article is about The Clan Homeworlds system. For other uses, see Albion.

Albion (Clan System) 3151.svg
System Information
X:Y Coordinates-50.167 : 1792.145[e]
Spectral classK1V[1]
Recharge time192 hours[1]

The Albion system is the location of the inhabited world of Albion II and is located within the region known as the Clan Homeworlds.

System Description[edit]

The coordinates for Albion in relation to Strana Mechty are -92: 26.[2]

System History[edit]

The Albion system was colonized as a part of the efforts made by the Star League-in-Exile to allow the population of the Pentagon Worlds to spread out into the newly-discovered Kerensky Cluster.[3]

Political Affiliation[edit]

Albion II[edit]

Albion II
System positionSecond[1]
Jump Point distance5.18 days[1]
Surface gravity0.8[1][2]
Atmospheric pressureStandard (Breathable)[1]
Equatorial temperature25°C[1][2]
Surface water60%[1][2]
Highest native lifeReptiles[2]
History and Culture
Population7,300,000 (3062)[2]

Planetary History[edit]

Early Years[edit]

Albion was colonized before the beginning of Operation: KLONDIKE in 2821.[12] Several Clans had early colonies on Albion, including Clan Blood Spirit. As internecine Clan combat began in earnest, especially following the Trial of Annihilation of the Not-Named Clan and leading to the death of Nicholas Kerensky, Clan Blood Spirit became targeted beyond its ability to endure. The Blood Spirits lost their Albion possessions before 2835.[13]

In 2912, Clan Coyote's Omicron Galaxy, under Galaxy Commander David Christofferson, would win a great victory against Clan Smoke Jaguar's enclave on Albion after the Jaguar citizens revolted against the warrior caste on many of their worlds.[14][4]

Burrock Absorption[edit]

In 3059, Albion was one of the many worlds where the three-way conflict between Clan Star Adder, Clan Burrock and Clan Blood Spirit occurred during the Burrock Absorption.[15]

Military Deployment[edit]

Early 3059[edit]

Late 3059[edit]

Planetary Locations[edit]

  • Herve Supply Facility: a supply depot and site of a battle during the Burrock Absorption[15]

Companies and Industries[edit]

Local Flora and Fauna[edit]


  • According to a blog posting by author Blaine Lee Pardoe, back when he created the first map of Clan space (for the 1991 Wolf Clan Sourcebook) he named the Albion system after a small town in Michigan.
  • The first printing of Field Manual: Updates listed Albion as being 100% controlled by Clan Snow Raven.[24] This proved to be erroneous, now listed on canon BattleTech website as planet being complete control of Clan Star Adder.[25]

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 20 systems (8 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
York 25.5 Zara 29.3 Gatekeeper 30.4 Brim 34.8
Delios 35.8 Grant's Station 46.3 Kirin 52.4 Priori 56.2
Shadow 64.0 Lum 65.6 Tamaron 80.8 Londerholm 80.9
Strana Mechty 86.0 Paxon 89.9 Hellgate 104.0 Huntress 105.1
Colleen 106.7 Ironhold 107.3 Strato Domingo 107.5 Barcella 107.5


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 The Wars of Reaving, p. 232: "Albion"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 The Clans: Warriors of Kerensky, p. 112: "Albion"
  3. Historical: Operation Klondike, pp. 19, 135: Exploration, Pentagon & Kerensky Clusters- early colonized worlds of the newly explored Kerensky Cluster become first to be colonized. Early 2821 map shows Albion is one of these early SL-In-Exile colony worlds.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 55: "Omicron Galaxy"
  5. Clan Homeworlds 3052 Poster (Kickstarter)
  6. The Clans: Warriors of Kerensky, p. 113: "Political Balance Table"
  7. The Wars of Reaving, p. 228: "Political Balance Table, 3067"
  8. Note: Field Manual: Updates, p. 39: "Political Balance Table" states Albion is a Snow Raven Possession. This is most likely in error.
  9. The Wars of Reaving, p. 45
  10. The Wars of Reaving, p. 248
  11. The Wars of Reaving, "Political Balance Table, 3085", p. 249
  12. Historical: Operation KLONDIKE, p. 133: "Pentagon and Kerensky Cluster (2821)"
  13. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, pp. 21–22
  14. Invading Clans, pp. 51–52: "The Londerholm Revolt"
  15. 15.0 15.1 BattleCorps Scenario: Uninvited Guests, p. 2: "Situation"
  16. BattleCorps Scenario: Uninvited Guests, p. 3: "Defender"
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 155: "Crusader Clans Deployment Table"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 157: "Crusader Clans Deployment Table"
  19. Technical Readout: Golden Century, p. 8: "Kokou Defense Tank"
  20. Technical Readout: 3067, p. 126: "Burrock"
  21. Technical Readout: Project Phoenix, 72: "Marauder IIC 2"
  22. Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, p. 186: "Turk"
  23. 23.0 23.1 Classic BattleTech Companion, p. 134: "Blood Spirtit Profile"
  24. Field Manual: Updates, p. 39: Clan Political Balance Table - errata show Snow Ravens Albion in 3067 in control entire planet.
  25. Errata in FM: Updates correct Albion actual ownership to the Star Adders[dead link]
