Clan Sea Fox Touman

(Redirected from ArcShip)

The Clan Sea Fox touman is the military arm of Clan Sea Fox.

Unit Structure[edit]

The Khanates are the Sea Fox's equivalents of Clan Galaxies, with each having five Aimags. These Aimags are known as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. The Khanates are led by a saKhan as a part of the Sea Fox touman. As for the Aimags, they are the equivalents to the Clusters of the Clan. They are led by the ovKhan, which is the Clan's counterpart of the Galaxy Commander.

Touman Structure[edit]

The touman in 3145.[1][2][3][4]


The Khanate is the largest formation, which consists of the ArcShip and its five attending Aimags, which is about six Clusters and thus roughly matches a standard Clan Galaxy.[5][6]

Most Khanates and their Aimags bid for and fought over specific regions of space - worlds each Aimag and Khanate would use to further the revenue, honor, and glory of the Clan.[7]

There are five Khanates: Spina, Skate, Tiburon, Fox, and the ilKhanate.[8] The ilKhanate is the Clan's command fleet, moving and trading according to the will of the overall leaders of Clan Sea Fox, the Khan and the Alpha Council. The ilKhanate checks on the activities of the other Khanates, collecting ten percent of their profits as dues.[9] The Khan's flagship is referred to as the ilArcShip.[10]


These are the smaller of the Clan Sea Fox formations and are roughly the equivalent of a standard Clan Cluster. The Aimag is commanded by an ovKhan, who oversees all enclaves, business interaction with worlds, setting up colonies, fleet operations and the maintenance thereof.

There are five Aimags per Khanate. Each is named after one of the first five letters of the Greek alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon.

Sea Foxes generally deploy their Aimags individually in a wide area and not in close proximity to each other in order to maximize the rewards of getting economic deals cut between worlds.

On occasions when Aimags do meet, they conduct various rituals and Trials such as: live-fire training exercises (Ritual of Combat) and Bloodright Trials. It is not unusual for years to pass between meetings of Aimags.[11]

Aimags compete against one another for mining rights, the creation of colonies, setting enclaves, etc. Each Aimag tries to win profit & glory as well as honor to their deeds.

Shoal Clusters[edit]

Ground enclaves are protected by Shoal Clusters. These Clusters, staffed by retired warrior-merchants and cadets, serve multiple roles. In addition to their traditional defensive duties, Shoal Cluster warriors are called upon to pilot IndustrialMechs in support of their enclave's activities. They additionally serve as test pilots for new or experimental designs.[12]

As the exact number of Sea Fox enclaves is unknown—and indeed, fluctuates substantially—it is unknown how many Shoal Clusters are fielded by Clan Sea Fox.

Sea Fox ships[edit]

Clan Sea Fox uses heavily modified former WarShips as mother ships and bases of operation. These fall into two categories, known as CargoShips and ArcShips.

Both types of ships typically retain their interplanetary drives. However these are rarely used due to the structural changes caused by the refits that created the CargoShips and ArcShips. The changes include the removal of armor and weaponry in order to allow them to roam both the Clan Occupation Zones and Inner Sphere freely.[13]

  • CargoShip - These are redesigned WarShips which have been reconfigured to become dedicated roving, long-term habitats and mobile supply stations. These ships are part of the core of a typical Aimag fleet.[5][13] Gutted DropShips (typically Behemoth-class) are permanently attached to the hull of these ships to expand living/working space.
  • ArcShips - These are redesigned WarShips which have been reconfigured to be societal points of congress and house the core governmental structures for the entire Clan.[5] They have been extensively modified to add habitats in their former cargo bays as well as along the outer hull. ArcShips are typically former Potemkin-class WarShips, which have been extensively lengthened, widened, and increased in mass. Among the largest ArcShips is the Poseidon, which grew in mass to 2.5 Million tons.[14]

Apart from the two specialized classes of ships, the Sea Foxes possess an extensive JumpShip fleet consisting of both Inner Sphere and Clan built designs. The Sea Foxes have former military DropShips which have been converted to serve as cargo haulers, which retain some military capability. A common DropShip in Sea Fox service is the demilitarized Overlord-C which are used primarily as cargo haulers. The ship has only one BattleMech bay with a capacity of one Trinary of 'Mechs or Combat Vehicles.

Known ArcShips and CargoShips[edit]

Current Khanates[edit]

Spina Khanate[edit]

Spina Khanate
Spina Khanate (Clan Sea Fox) logo.png 3145
Spina ArcShip
Alpha Aimag
Beta Aimag
Gamma Aimag
Delta Aimag
Epsilon Aimag
Spina ArcShip - Poseidon, Potemkin-class
Alpha Aimag -Silentshark, Merchant Carrack-class
Beta Aimag - Talismantia, Sovetskii Soyuz-class
Gamma Aimag - Starfox, Merchant Carrack-class
Delta Aimag - Voidswimmer, Potemkin-class
Epsilon Aimag - Swiftswimmer, Merchant Carrack-class

Skate Khanate[edit]

Skate Khanate
Image 3145
Skate ArcShip
Alpha Aimag
Beta Aimag
Gamma Aimag
Delta Aimag
Epsilon Aimag
Skate ArcShip - Atlantean, Potemkin-class
Alpha Aimag - Thalassa, Merchant Carrack-class
Beta Aimag - Abyssal, Potemkin-class
Gamma Aimag - Tethys, Carrack-class
Delta Aimag - Pelagic, Merchant Carrack-class
Epsilon Aimag - Oceanus, Merchant Carrack-class

Tiburon Khanate[edit]

Tiburon Khanate
Tiburon Khanate (Clan Sea Fox) logo.png 3145
Tiburon ArcShip
Alpha Aimag
Beta Aimag
Gamma Aimag
Delta Aimag
Epsilon Aimag
Tiburon ArcShip - Titanic, Potemkin-class
Alpha Aimag - Argo, Merchant Carrack-class
Beta Aimag - Naglfar, Merchant Carrack-class
Gamma Aimag - Caleuche, Lola III-class
Delta Aimag - Liberator, Volga-class
Epsilon Aimag - Matahourua, Merchant Carrack-class

Fox Khanate[edit]

Fox Khanate
Image 3145
Fox ArcShip
Alpha Aimag
Beta Aimag
Gamma Aimag
Delta Aimag
Epsilon Aimag
Fox ArcShip - Kraken, Potemkin-class
Alpha Aimag - Jormungandr, Merchant Carrack-class
Beta Aimag - Cetus, Merchant Carrack-class
Gamma Aimag - Megalodon, Volga-class
Delta Aimag - Taniwha, Carrack-class
Epsilon Aimag - Tiktaalik, Merchant Carrack-class


IlKhanate (Clan Sea Fox) logo.png 3145
ilKhanate ArcShip
Alpha Aimag
Beta Aimag
Gamma Aimag
Delta Aimag
Epsilon Aimag
ilKhanate ArcShip - Tsunami, Potemkin-class
Alpha Aimag - Cataract, Merchant Carrack-class
Beta Aimag - Torrential, Merchant Carrack-class
Gamma Aimag - Maelstorm, Volga-class
Delta Aimag - Coriolis, Carrack-class
Epsilon Aimag - Riptide, Merchant Carrack-class

Clan Sea Fox Naval Assets[edit]

Uniforms and Rank Insignia[edit]

Clan Sea Fox ranks[edit]

Clan Sea Fox has a similar ranking system to those of the more "normal" Clans. However, they also possess exclusive ranks and roles only found within their Clan.

  • Khan
  • saKhan - Individual who commands a Khanate fleet formation and all of its Aimag's assets. Possessing a rough equivalent authority between a traditional saKhan and a Galaxy Commander, the saKhan is answerable to the Khan of the Sea Foxes.
  • ovKhan (Galaxy Commander equivalent) - Individual who command an Aimag fleet and assets. Possessing authority roughly equivalent to between a Galaxy Commander and Star Colonel, they answer to the saKhan of their assigned Khanate.
  • saFactor - Sea Fox chief negotiator of an Aimag fleet who is part of the Merchant Caste.
  • Master Merchant - Rank for a Sea Fox ship commander.[17]
  • Bloodmaster - Held by a member of the Scientist Caste, Bloodmasters spend their lives mastering their role—even going so far as to abandon their name and identity. Officiating the final pairing of a Trial of Bloodright, the Bloodmaster performs an intricate ceremony involving the two Bloodright coins, water taken from Twycross, and a gourd, funnel, and beaker.[18]
  • Star Colonel
  • Star Captain
  • Star Commander
  • Point Commander
  • Warrior

Field And Dress[edit]

When Clan Diamond Shark reformed into Clan Sea Fox, the Sea Foxes retained their field and dress uniforms, but with modifications.[19]

Ceremonial Uniform[edit]

Sea Foxes ceremonial leathers, have details of Sea Fox displayed across torso of the suit. Uniforms - All Sea Fox uniforms are all blue, but the shoulder colors mark their subcaste types. Here are some examples: Yellow = teachers, Green = teachers, Red for eugenics, Double Stripes = Labor Caste.

Sea Foxes ceremonial leathers have details of Sea Fox displayed across torso of the suit.[20]


  1. Field Manual: 3145, pp. 69–76
  2. Field Manual: Updates, pp. 58–59, 76–77
  3. Field Report: Clans, p. 8
  4. Field Manual: 3145, p. 124
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Dark Age: Touring the Stars (3130), p. 62
  6. Field Manual: 3145, pp. 169-170: "Clan Force Deployments: Clan Sea Fox"
  7. Hunters of the Deep, p. 185: "How Khanate & Aimag formations function"
  8. Dark Age: Touring the Stars (3130), p. 58
  9. Hunters of the Deep, p. 185: Explanation of how Sea Fox's ilKhanate operates
  10. Hunters of the Deep, p. 262: "ilArcShip mentioned"
  11. Hunters of the Deep, p. 100: "Petr thinks of infrequency of Aimag encounter"
  12. Experimental Technical Readout: Caveat Emptor, p. 5
  13. 13.0 13.1 Dark Age: Touring the Stars (3130), p. 64
  14. Hunters of the Deep, p. 169: "Petr describing the changes of the Poseidon"
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Field Manual: 3145, pp. 169–170: "Clan Force Deployments - Clan Sea Fox"
  16. Dark Age: Touring the Stars (3130), p. 63
  17. A Rending of Falcons, p. 97: "Master Merchant Senna Rodriguez"
  18. Hunters of the Deep, p. 64
  19. Era Report: 3145
  20. Hunters of the Deep, p. 25: "description of the ceremonial uniform of the Khan"
