Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth

Archon Katrina Steiner wearing a traditional uniform.

The Archon is the ruler and leader of the Lyran Commonwealth. House Steiner holds a firm grasp upon the office, which currently resembles a constitutional monarchy. The heir apparent, usually the eldest child or closest relative of the current Archon, is named Archon-Designate.


The position is open to both sexes and the Archon is the commander in chief of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces and head of state holding full authority to make any and all decisions relating to domestic and foreign policy. Most, but not all, Archons-Designate have served in the Lyran military. Most Archons of House Steiner have traditionally been rather liberal rulers, granting the people the right of assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. Indeed, the rare occasions in which these rights have been suspended have led to major internal political crisis.

The Estates General[edit]

A new Archon has to be confirmed by the Estates General, which was originally created in 2376 by Robert Marsden as a means to legitimize his coup d'état. From its humble beginning as a rubberstamp organization, the Estates General has slowly acquired a considerable degree of political influence in determining a new Archon. At least in theory, the powers of the Archon are limited by the Estates General which can de jure depose a ruling Archon and chose a suitable replacement. This was done only once in 3007 when the Estates General successfully passed a no-confidence resolution upon the unpopular and reckless Alessandro Steiner, paving the way for his niece Katrina.[1] Such an act is never taken lightly; it will obviously cause a major constitutional crisis which may even lead to a full-fledged civil war. Realistically, the deciding factor will be the allegiance of the officers of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces whose loyalty will tested to the utmost.

List of Archons of the Lyran Commonwealth[edit]

Name Reign
Archon Basileus of the Lyran Commonwealth (2346–2395)
The Nine Archons 23462375
Robert Marsden 2375 – 2395
Archons (2395–2501)
Alistair Marsden 2395 – 2408
Katherine Steiner-Marsden 2408 – 2445
Alistair Marsden-Steiner 2445 – 2467
Michael Steiner 2467 – 2472
Steven Steiner 2472 – 2501
Acting Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth
Margaret Olsen-Steiner 2501 – 2503
Robert Steiner 2503 – 2506
Archons (2506–2849)
Robert Steiner 2506 – 2528
Craig Steiner 2528 – 2555
Tracial Steiner 2555 – 2570
Viola Steiner-Dinesen 2570 – 2596
Kevin Steiner-Dinesen 2596 – 2647
Sarah Steiner-Dinesen 2647 – 2672
William Steiner 2672 – 2704
Jonathan Steiner 2704 – 2729
Michael Steiner II 2729 – 2760
Robert Steiner II 2760 – 2781
Jennifer Steiner 2781 – 2791[2]
Richard Steiner 2791 – 2823[2]
Marcus Steiner 2823 – 2844[3]
Melissa Nin-Steiner 2845
Claudius "the Cruel" 2845 – 2849
Triumvirate Regency of the Lyran Commonwealth (2849–2859)
Rebecca Morgan
Henry DeCalidore
Ilysa Aten
Archons (2859–3055)
Elizabeth Steiner 28592895
Eric Steiner 2895 – 2913[4]
Tatyana Steiner 29142937
Marco Steiner 2937 – 2952
Giovanni Steiner 2952 – 2980
Alessandro Steiner 2980 – 3007
Katrina Steiner 3007 – 3039
Melissa Steiner-Davion 3039 – 3055
Archon-Prince of the Federated Commonwealth (3055–3057)
Victor Steiner-Davion 3055 – 3057
Archon-Prince of the Lyran Alliance (3057–3067)
Katherine Steiner-Davion 3057 – 3067
Archon of the Lyran Alliance (3067–3084)
Peter Steiner-Davion 3067 – 3071
Adam Steiner 3071 – 3072
Peter Steiner-Davion 3072 – 3073[5]
Adam Steiner 3073 – 3121[5]
Archons (3084–3141)
Andrew Steiner 3121 – 3127
Melissa Steiner 3127 – 3141
Acting Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth
Vedet Brewer 3141 – 3143
Archons (3143–current)
Melissa Steiner 3143
Trillian Steiner 3143 –


  1. House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), pp. 88–90
  2. 2.0 2.1 First Succession War, p. 132
  3. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 96: "Lyran Leadership Profile"
  4. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 97: "Lyran Leadership Profile"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 52: "The Jihad in Review"
