Bannson Universal Unlimited

Bannson Universal Unlimited
Corporation Profile
Founding Year3118[1]
Dissolution year3149[2]
AffiliationRepublic of the Sphere
(Prefecture IV)[1]
Manufacturing Plant(s)St. Andre[2]

Bannson Universal Unlimited was an Inner Sphere-spanning corporation owned by Republic of the Sphere business tycoon Jacob Bannson.


Founded in 3118 on St. Andre, in just fourteen years Bannson Universal Unlimited had grown to become the dominant business power within the Republic's Prefecture IV and possessed interests in all of the Republic's other Prefectures and every Successor State. A diverse manufacturer, BUU operations across the Inner Sphere ranged from financial services to DropShip sales. It was prevented from becoming the number one corporate power in the Republic only thanks to the interference of House GioAvanti and the Republic Senate, although Bannson managed to stave off numerous enemies both official and criminal.[1][4]

This accumulation of corporate might enabled Jacob Bannson to become one of the so-called "Jackals" that preyed upon the Republic following Gray Monday.[5] BUU bankrolled the activities of Bannson's Raiders and their employer's schemes during the mid-3130s. While Jacob Bannson himself disappeared from the galactic stage by late 3136, his assets were mysteriously still active and aiding local Republic forces trapped outside of the Wall.[3] Bannson Universal Unlimited finally collapsed in 3149.[2]


In 3125, Bannson Universal Unlimited bought the Golden Sun Entertainment Consortium, hosts of the esteemed Golden Sun Awards. Under Bannson, the annual awards shifted from being hosted almost exclusively on Terra to ever-changing host planets across the Republic.[6]

Bannson Universal Unlimited acquired an industrial wholesaler soon renamed Jake's Discount Equipment Warehouse in 3128, and refocused the wholesaler towards military equipment.[7] The company later took over DiNapoli Industries in June 3132, gaining access to additional armaments and DropShip facilities.[1][8] At some point it acquired WaveShield Technologies, which gave them access to Purifier Adaptive Battle Armor technology.[9] Early 3135 marked the acquisition of Mirach's All World Comm, sought for its communications technology.[10]


"Where People Come First."
  — Slogan used in 3132[11]


Bannson Universal Unlimited had a major manufacturing complex on both Tybalt and St. Andre.[12]


Components produced on Tybalt:
Component Type
JL-1 Raider Medium BattleMech
JL-2 Raider Mk.II Medium BattleMech
BUU Standard Medium JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
BUU MechStandard JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Internal Combustion Engines
Bannson Spark 200 JL-1 Raider
Bannson T-150 JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Communications System
BUU Farsweep Comms JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Targeting-Tracking System
BUU AccuTrack 3000 JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II
BUU Quarrel-10 JL-1 Raider
Rotary AC/2
BUU Straightshooter Two JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Dual Saw
BUU SuperCutter JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II

St. Andre[edit]

Components produced on St. Andre:
Component Type
JL-1 Raider Medium BattleMech
JL-2 Raider Mk.II Medium BattleMech
BUU Standard Medium JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
BUU MechStandard JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Internal Combustion Engines
Bannson Spark 200 JL-1 Raider
Bannson T-150 JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Communications System
BUU Farsweep Comms JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Targeting-Tracking System
BUU AccuTrack 3000 JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II
BUU Quarrel-10 JL-1 Raider
Rotary AC/2
BUU Straightshooter Two JL-2 Raider Mk.II
Dual Saw
BUU SuperCutter JL-1 Raider, JL-2 Raider Mk.II


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Dark Age: 3132-3134 INN: "Bannson Universal Unlimited Acquires DiNapoli Industries"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Technical Readout: 3150, p. 152: "JL-1 Raider"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Era Report: 3145, p. 14: "What Happened to the Man Who Had Everything?"
  4. By Temptations and By War, ch. 4
  5. Era Report: Dark Age, p. 5: "Hunting Lions"
  6. Dark Age: 3132-3134 INN, p. 181: "Entertainment's Finest Flock to Towne for 3133 Golden Sun Awards"
  7. Experimental Technical Readout: Caveat Emptor, p. 4: "CON-9M-D Carbine ConstructionMech MOD"
  8. Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 24: "Opossum SalvageMech MOD"
  9. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Sneak Peeks, p. 16: "Purifier Battle Armor"
  10. Dark Age: LinkNet Articles (3136), p. 59: "Stockwatch"
  11. Dark Age: 3132-3134 INN, p. 313: "3132 Solaris VII Championships Season Review (Part 8)"
  12. Technical Readout: 3150, p. 152: "JL-1 Raider"
