Barcella Alpha

Barcella Alpha
Corporation Profile
Manufacturing Plant(s)Irece

Barcella Alpha was a Clan facility on Barcella in the Kerensky Cluster.


Located within their capital on the Clan Homeworld of Barcella, Barcella Alpha was one of the primary production sites for Clan Nova Cat. The factory's main outputs were the Griffin IIC, Shadow Hawk IIC, and Supernova 'Mechs. Naturally, this facility became the designated production site for the Clan's new totem BattleMech, the Nova Cat, in support of Khan Severen Leroux's effort to strengthen the Nova Cat's spirituality following the clans' defeat on Tukayyid in 3052. In 3059, Barcella Alpha completed the first Nova Cat OmniMech.

With the end of Operation REVIVAL and the subsequent Abjuration of Clan Nova Cat in 3060, the Clan transferred the facility to Clan Diamond Shark in exchange for their assistance in relocating to the Inner Sphere. Having been granted leave to settle within their holdings along the Combine border, the Nova Cats engaged in several construction projects to support this new effort. One point of focus was the construction of the Barcella Beta manufacturing complex on Irece. Shortly afterward, a second manufacturing facility christened Barcella Alpha began construction as an expansion of the Beta complex.

Construction of the new Alpha complex was temporarily abandoned following the Word of Blake's attack on the planet in 3072. Construction resumed some time afterwards and the new Barcella Alpha was fully operational no later than 3085, though the known number of production lines is significantly fewer than the original.


Barcella Alpha is a manufacturing center on the following planet:


Components produced on Barcella:[1][2][3][4]
Component Type
Griffin IIC 3[1] Medium BattleMech
Griffin IIC 4[1] Medium BattleMech
Griffin IIC 5[2] Medium BattleMech
Shadow Hawk IIC 3 Medium BattleMech
Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3] Medium BattleMech
Nova Cat[4] Heavy OmniMech
NCIS Type M Endo Steel Griffin IIC 4 & 5[1][2] & Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3]
Mynx Type Heavy Nova Cat[4]
Fusion Engine
Consolidated Fusion 240 Standard Griffin IIC 4 & 5[1][2]
Consolidated Fusion 270 Standard Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3]
Extralight Fusion Engine
Consolidated Fusion 280 XL Nova Cat[4]
Jump Jets
Northrup Starlifter M40s Griffin IIC 4[1]
Northrup Starlifters M45s Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3]
Improved Jump Jets
Northrup Starlifter M41 Griffin IIC 5[2]
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
Alpha Compound Plate Nova Cat[4]
Ferro-fibrous Armor
Alpha Compound ferro-fibrous Griffin IIC 4 & 5[1][2] & Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3]
Communications System
JNE Integrated Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3], Griffin IIC 4 & 5[1][2] & Nova Cat[4]
Targeting-Tracking System
Build 2 Cat TTS Nova Cat[4]
Build 3 Cat TTS Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3] & Griffin IIC 4 & 5[1][2]
Type 3 Series Griffin IIC 4[1]
Type 6 Series Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3]
ER Small Laser
Series 1NC Griffin IIC 4 & 5[1][2]
Medium Pulse Laser
Series 14 NC Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3]
ER Medium Laser
Series 2NC Shadow Hawk IIC 4[3]
ER Large Laser
Series 7NC Griffin IIC 4 & 5[1][2]
Light Machine Gun
Series 34NC Griffin IIC 5[2]


Components produced on Irece:[5]
Component Type
Griffin IIC 6[5] Medium BattleMech
NCIS Type M Endo Steel Griffin IIC 6[5]
Fusion Engine
Firebox 200 Standard Fusion engine - Griffin IIC 6[5]
Improved Jump Jets
Northrup Starlifter M41 Griffin IIC 6[5]
Ferro-fibrous Armor
Alpha Compound ferro-fibrous Griffin IIC 6[5]
Communications System
JNE Integrated Griffin IIC 6[5]
Targeting-Tracking System
Build 3 Cat TTS Griffin IIC 6[5]
Type 3 Series Griffin IIC 6[5]
Heavy Large Laser
Model X Griffin IIC 6[5]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Technical Readout: Project Phoenix, p. 62: "Griffin IIC 4"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 BattleCorps: Stalwart Nova Cat Weaponry, "Produced Griffin IIC 5 Components"
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 Technical Readout: Project Phoenix, p. 64: "Shadow Hawk IIC 4"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Technical Readout: 3060, p. 174: "Nova Cat"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Technical Readout: 3085, p. 274: "Griffin IIC 6"
