BattleTech: Aces

BattleTech: Aces
Product information
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
First published

BattleTech: Aces is an announced card based Alpha Strike add-on, revealed during the 2023 Mercenaries Crowdfunding Campaign. BattleTech: Aces allows players to play Alpha Strike either solo or cooperatively against an AI opponent, with each AI controlled unit assigned a deck of cards based on its battlefield Role and will use the cards to determine when to act, where to move and what to shoot at.

Though not part of the campaign proper, Catalyst Game Labs used the Mercenaries Crowdfunding Campaign as a playtesting opportunity, offering the rules and cards PDF as a Open Beta to all campaign backers irrespective of pledge tier.


From the rear of the Scouring Sands box:

BattleTech: Aces is two things:

* A narrative cooperative campaign that supports solo play.

* A challenging automated opponent that can also be used for any game of BattleTech: Alpha Strike.


Originally envisioned as purely a card based expansion, BattleTech: Aces would also be expanded into a boxset model to include miniatures and map features similar to the Alpha Strike Boxset, each also providing unique card and biome options. At PAX Unplugged 2024 Catalyst Game Labs revealed that so far four boxsets were planned, each based around one of the four lynchpin ilClan era titles:
