BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi

Dossiers - Youling Zhanshi.jpg
BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi
Product information
Type Sourcebook
Development Herbert A. Beas II
Primary writing Craig K. Erne
Pages 20
Cover Artwork Ray Arrastia (Design & Layout)
Brent Evans (Art Direction)
Interior Artwork Mike Raper (Miniature Painting & Photography)
Ray Arrastia, Joel Bancroft-Connors, Chris Smith (Unit Design & Record Sheets)
Illustrations Jarrod Owen
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
Product code 35LP02A
First published 15 April 2011
MSRP $3.95
Era Jihad era
Timeline 3068
Series BattleTech Dossiers
Preceded by BattleTech Dossiers: Salazar Tsakalotos
Followed by BattleTech Dossiers: Jason Zaklan


BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi is a web exclusive PDF product by Catalyst Game Labs and BattleCorps, which combines A Time of War RPG elements with Total Warfare gameplay in a mini-campaign/scenario pack series known as a lance pack dossier. It sets up the story of Youling Zhanshi, a House Liao–contracted mercenary lance attempting to fight off a House Davion invasion of their world. The product was produced with a supplemental character PDF, BattleTech Dossiers: Jason Zaklan.

Publisher's Product Description[edit]

Notable Warriors

Heroes, patriots, soldiers, freedom fighters. The universe is full of them, and every realm and military force—from the mightiest Successor State to the humblest mercenary band—has its share. In the Capellan Confederation, Sang-Wei Arthur Chin and his detached lance of MechWarriors—the Youling Zhanshi must try to resist the Davion hordes on the world of Homestead. Do they have what it takes to become heroes of the Confederation, or will their mission be just another footnote in the annals of history?

BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi describes a lance of notable MechWarriors from the Capellan Confederation, highlighting their warriors, their machines, and their abilities both on and off the battlefields of the late thirty-first century. This Lance Pack dossier file provides players with the background and descriptions of all four members of the Zhanshi lance and a micro-campaign based on their exploits, complete with character and BattleMech record sheets suitable for play with Total Warfare and A Time of War: The BattleTech Role-Playing Game.


  • Missions
  • Thieves in the Night
  • The Last Best Hope
  • GM - Only Section
  • The Head of the Serpent
  • A Time of War Character Sheets
  • Arthur Chin
  • Li Hark
  • Vaughn McDade
  • Russell "Bulldog" Murphy
  • Record Sheets


  • Unlike other sourcebooks, BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi lacks an explicit table of contents. The list shown here was assembled from page headings.