Battle of Tharkad (3066)
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As one of the two thrones held by Katherine Steiner-Davion, Tharkad would have to be wrested from her grasp if the FedCom Civil War were to end. With the Archon-Princess on New Avalon, her aunt and General of the Armies Nondi Steiner ruled as Regent. As Victor Steiner-Davion moved his task forces from Thorin into the Federated Suns, Grand Duke Morgan Kell began setting the wheel in motion for the Lyran half of the plan. First sending HPG messages to Dan Allard and Khan Phelan Kell, which began mobilization of the Kell Hounds and Clan Wolf-in-Exile's Alpha Galaxy respectively. He then left Thorin aboard a transport to Zaniah via Milton. While these actions were unknown to the Intelligence Secretariat (indeed they had completely lost track of Morgan by this time) Precentor Martial Gavin Dow briefed Katherine on them 19 April. The significance was lost on them however, as they were unaware Peter Steiner-Davion had been at the St. Marinus House monastery since May 3056. This same day, Katherine sent a message to Khan Vlad Ward, leader of Clan Wolf. He had inquired of his clandestine ally if the Arc-Royal Defense Cordon and the Clan Wolf-in-Exile defenders were party to her civil war. If they were not, he desired to cross the Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone and strike at Arc-Royal. If they were, he would not do so lest he interfere in her existing conflict in contravention of Clan honor. Katherine declined, reasoning accepting such aid would be an admission of weakness.[3][4][5][6]
On 13 May Morgan arrived on Zaniah. Upon landing, Morgan sought out Peter at the Gessetti Shrine of St. Marinus House. At first refusing to leave, it wasn't until Morgan revealed he was not here to recruit Peter to Victor's cause but to support Peter's claim to the Archonship that Peter relented. The two traveled to Arc-Royal where they met up with the core of their task force. In order to replace material losses in Allied forces, Peter convinced Colonel Dan Allard to release several Verfolger BattleMechs to the greater alliance. The mysterious Green Knight was also seen in the flotilla. In May they became moving on Tharkad.[7][8][9][10][11]
On 18 August 3066, the invasion of Tharkad technically began. Unlike the standard massing of JumpShips and DropShips, a single DropShip carrying Peter and a few squads of the Twentieth Arcturan Guards (ostensibly to serve as household staff) requested and obtained clearance to land at Resaurius Keep, one of the Steiner family's older lodges. Unsure of his intentions, Katherine and Nondi elected to learn them personally. At Peter's invitation, Nondi traveled to Resaurius with two Strikers as an escort. Stating a desire to spare Tharkad the fires of civil war, Peter asked Nondi to endorse his claim to the throne. She refused, as Morgan had counseled Peter she would. At that time Richard de Gambier appeared and confirmed that while they were talking the Striker crews had been relieved of their vehicles and placed safely in the sedan which stood ready to return Nondi back to Tharkad City. Infuriated, but now unarmed, Nondi departed and began to ready her defense of Tharkad.[12][1]
Spectre and his unit were hired by Peter to supplement his forces. Managing to land on the world unnoticed, his unit coordinated with Peter to limit Nondi's strategic mobility by destroying a grounded Overlord DropShip. Given system travel time of 7.01 days[13] and Peter's comment that the Kell Hounds would make "planetfall in the next seven days" this occurred concurrent with or slightly after the main armada's arrival, below.[14]
Fleet Actions[edit]
A more standard planetary assault began on 24 August when the Kell Hounds, Wolf Clan in Exile, Blue Star Irregulars and Twentieth Arcturan Guards arrived in-system at the zenith jump point with a WarShip escort. Their escorts, the McKenna-class Werewolf under command of Star Admiral Wolfgang Shaw, Cameron-class Ulric Kerensky, Black Lion-class Implacable, and the Fredasa-class Kerensky's Blues swiftly engaged the defending fleet in deep space as they attempted to interdict the armada. The Mjolnir-class Yggdrasil and Fox-class Robert Kelswa approached with a swarm of DroShip and aerospace fighter escorts. The Werewolf and Kerensky's Blues pushed ahead of the fleet to pair off with the Yggdrasil and Robert Kelswa respectively while the Ulric Kerensky and the Implacable screened the transport DropShips.[15][16]
The Yggdrasil made a raking broadside on the Werewolf, but rather than circle her slower foe, she arrowed in on the transports only to be blocked by the Ulric Kerensky and the Implacable who issued challenges but did not engage as she was the chosen target of the Werewolf, in accordance with zellbrigen. Ironically it was the Werewolf who would abandon zellbrigen.The inexperienced crews of the Kerensky's Blues and the Robert Kelswa had simply matched course and speed with each other and poured broadside after broadside into each other. The Blues took the worst of the exchange and attempted to turn away rather than roll, an indication of damage or two-dimensional thinking. A final shot from the Kelswa dug into the Blues's core, extinguishing her drive and leaving her in a flat spin. To avoid losing the Blues, Khan Kell ordered the Werewolf swung wide and approached aft-backward in order to facilitate returning to the Yggdrasil afterwards. A single broadside from the Werewolf gutted the Kelswa which spiraled deeper into the system, at full burn but out of control. The Werewolf detached an Elephant DropShip with a damage control team to render aid to the Blues.[15][17][18][16]
Back at the fleet the Yggdrasil tried to push past the escorting WarShips, which either returned her fire or opened up on her when the Werewolf initiated a melee upon firing on the Kelswa. After delivering a broadside to the Implacable, the Yggdrasil dove on the transports, which scattered but not before a Triumph belonging to the Twentieth Arcturan was lost. As the Werewolf reentered the battle, the Ulric Kerensky doubled the Yggdrasil which end-overed to target the Werewolf with her nose bays. The answering broadside from the Werewolf vaporized the Yggdrasil's bridge. Rolling, the Werewolf put another broadside into the Yggdrasil, mortally wounding it. The loss of both WarShips put the Loaylist DropShip and aerospace fighters in retreat. Khan Kell extended hegira to the retreating forces so long as they made for the zenith recharge station or participated in rescue operations for their WarShips. He left the four OmniFighter Binaries of the First Wolf Strike Grenadiers "Snapping Jaws" with the Implacable to enforce the blockade.[15][1][18][16]
Planetfall & Eastward Push[edit]
Allied forces made planetfall on 26 August about 2,000 km to the west of Tharkad City. Their landing was mostly unopposed, no ground assaults met them though there were a few instances of aerospace fighters harassing the landing zones. Peter had assembled a pan-Lyran taskforce representing the disparate elements of the Lyran nation by inluding the First Kell Hounds, both Blue Star Irregulars regiments, the Twentieth Arcturan Guards and the Wolf Clan's Fourth Wolf Guards. With the time afforded them, the Allied forced set about fortifying their positions and deflecting the few probing attacks.[1] At some point, the Kell Hounds managed to capture a TharHes facility which served to both resupply the Allies with armor and ammunition, but also as the aerodrome.[19] Likewise, the Nagelring fell to Peter's forces early in the campaign, it is unknown how those two isolated positions so close to Tharkad City remained under his control while the Allied main body was so far away.[20]
Despite having an edge on paper, the distance they grounded meant they were ill-suited to project that power immediately to the well-fortified Tharkad City. Both Royal Guards regiments and ComStar's Sixty-Sixth Division under Precentor Dag Kesselring stood in opposition to the Allied forces. Before the first major battle could begin, Loyalist forces received reinforcements from the aborted invasion of Skye in the form of the First Alarion Jaegers and Eleventh Arcturan Guards.[21]
Nondi put the 11th Arcturan to work immediately with 4 October a probing attack against the Kell Hounds at Lake Malaren which was pushed back, The Allies continued to advance, with a more pointed clash 13 October between the Wolf Guards and Second Royal Guards in the Methow Valley. Initially caught in the open between a regiment of Royal Guards armor at the edge of the Stahlwurzel Forest and a battalion of assault ’Mechs in the foothills, the Wolves were being picked apart by those forces and Loyalist aerospace which was overwhelming the Wolves own fighters. Khan Kell rejected Star Colonel Ranna Kerensky's advice to call down the fighters of the Snapping Jaw (currently in orbit with the WarShips) because of political concerns, instead dismissing his aircover back to TharHes and plunging his ground forces into the dense cover of the Stahlwurzel Forest. Khan Kell's Timberwolf and the rest of the Wolves crashed into the line of armor, cutting down a Schrek and Fenrir battle armor as they forced their way into the cover of the woods. For the next week the Wolves savaged the Royal Guards in brutal close combat fighting as the Royal Guards attempted to dislodge them from the Forest. Conceeding the ground to the Wolves, the Royal Guard pulled back to Tharkad City to repair and rearm on 21 October.[1][19][22][23]
Alliance Betrayed[edit]
On 20 November, Katherine received the response to her message from Khan Ward of the Crusader Wolves. Despite her 19 April assurances that she could defeat Clan Wolf-in-Exile without Vlad's help, she had sent another message later asking for assistance. Namely, for Clan Wolf to strike at Arc-Royal which was currently only defended by the Second Kell Hounds in the hopes the Hounds and Wolves would be forced to retreat from Tharkad. Instead of agreeing to this course of action, he berated her for being a poor leader and strategist. Whatever aide might have been rendered before, none would be forthcoming now. If they wished to save Tharkad, Katherine and Nondi would have to do so with Lyran or FedCom troops.[24]
The Teeth of Hounds and Lions[edit]
As the Wolves stalked their prey in the forest, the Kell Hounds fought a mobile and protracted campaign against the Alarion Jaegers. Despite the inspired leadership of Colonel Julie, they proved to be no match for the seasoned mercenaries. For several months she managed to launch a series of quick assaults then breaking away before she incurred any major losses. But her luck ran out on 12 January when the Kell Hounds were able to deploy their reserves via DropShips along her line of retreat at an unknown (though implied to be TharHes) spaceport. Alarion Leutnant Jonah Keffer gained some renown in this fray, his Dart barely eking out a win against a Kell Hounds Cougar. Colonel Hoffman perished in this pitched climax when her Dragon Fire reactor went critical, breaking Jaeger unit cohesion. The Jaegers lost 92 percent of their armor, almost seventy percent of their infantry, and 89 percent of their BattleMechs. Hoffman's aide, Lieutenant-Colonel Helen Johannes rallied two lances of ’Mechs and escaped the field. Despite now posing little threat the Jaegers continued to harass Allied forces until the end of the campaign.[1][25][20][26][27]
Spectre and his unit support Second Kell Hounds DropShips as they resupplied Hounds in southern Bremen. Despite losing a DropShip, Spectre was able to keep the rest safe and earned a commendation from Scott Bradley Jr. In canon, the Second remained on Arc-Royal.[28]
Just as the Kell Hounds were mauling their foes, the Eleventh Arcturan Guard "Golden Lions" were doing the same to theirs, the Twenty-first Rim Worlds Regiment of the Blue Star Irregulars. In the mountains north of Tharkad City the Arcturans swarmed down from caves in an ambush on the command battalion of the Regulars, killing their commander Rega Jikelium. A battalion of the Arcturan heavy armor held the pass while the bulk of the BattleMech forces decimated the Guards whose formation had been cut in half. The remains of the Guards rallied under Major Hank Hatfield-McCoy who managed to escape with a battalion. On 28 January the Guards nestled into a narrow valley intended as a secure bolt hole when a lance of Arcturan ’Mechs (ZEU-6S Zeus, STK-3H Stalker, HBK-4G Hunchback, and NGS-4S-L Nightsky) were detected by Roccamound "Rock" Johansen of the Third Assault Avatars, an anti-’Mech infantry unit for the Guards. The Arcturans planned to target the Guards with indirect LRM fire, but their cohesion was broken up by anti-’Mech infantry attacks and an ad-hoc lance of Guards ’Mechs. Johansen lost and arm and leg in the battle, and was captured by the Arcturans. Like the Jaegers, the Guards were combat ineffective for the remainder of the campaign.[1][20][29][30]
By 19 January, both combatants received the last of the reinforcements for the campaign. Nondi received the Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guards who stepped into the role of maneuver element once the damaged Eleventh Arcturan Guard arrived in Tharkad City to rest and refit from their engagements with the Twenty-first Rim Worlds Regulars. Not all DropShips made it through the Allied blockade however, dozens of Razorbacks were captured by Kell Hounds and used to replace combat losses.[1][20][31]
The Allies received the Fourth Skye Rangers, completing the Pan-Lyran alliance Peter had sought to assemble. Though hesitant to include them, he was sure Robert Kelswa-Steiner had played an active role in the Skye Rebellion despite the deniability of being imprisoned by Katherine until a prison break freed him. But both political and military considerations required the use of the Skye Rangers. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Major General Bella Bragg and her Thirty-ninth Avalon Hussars were militarily needed but politically toxic to the Pan-Lyran optics. The Hussars remained in space, though their orbital superiority missions did allow other Allied commands to devote more aerospace fighters to air superiority and ground attack missions.[21][1][20][32][33]
Expecting Nondi to focus her attacks on the Allied forces at the Nagelring, barely 100 kilometers away from the capital, Peter gathered his forces there.[1][20]
North Ten Wash[edit]
The two sides skirmished across the North Ten Wash for over a month. Located about halfway between the Nagelring and Tharkad City, spring snowmelt would transform the Wash to a mess of sharp, rapid streams. In the depths of Tharkad's winter it was a ten-kilometer long ribbon of frozen ponds, crevices, flood-piled boulders, and landmines all hidden beneath a blanket of fresh snow. The raiding and sniping during those weeks didn't result in significant advantage to either side, and each commanders realized a head-on clash was inevitable.[1][20][34]
That decisive clash came 23 March when Nondi made a major push on the Wash, aiming for the Nagelring beyond. Nondi Steiner personally led from her Hauptmann from the center composed of the First Royal Guards. The Eleventh Arcturan secured the west flank while the Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guard held the east flank. The 66th Division, an Upsilon formation containing essentially a battalion worth of BattleMechs[35], acted as strategic reserves. Four regiments of armor and mechanized infantry served to stiffen the line, even giving the Loyalists an edge in numbers. The Long Line of Steel that typified old-school Lyran warfare made initial gains until Allied experience stalled her advance, aided by the air supremacy made possible with the Avalon Hussars guarding the orbiting flotilla. Peter's forces mirrored Nondi's in many ways, with the Kell Hounds in the center, Fourth Skye Rangers on the western flank, and Twentieth Arcturan to the east. The Wolves were held back as strategic reserve.[1][34][23]
Noni's line began to unravel when the Fourth Skye Rangers were able to pull the Eleventh Arcturan further west from the main body and across the Wash. The ComStar division moved up to prevent a break in the lines, committing all of Nondi's reserves and settling the schwerpunkt on the Kell Hounds. Peter, in a captured Fafnir (his personal JagerMech held in reserve[36]) put down a ComStar Viking and Burke as he analyzed the strategic picture. Confident that Precentor Dag Kesselring was a stubborn bull of a commander who would hold his ground until routed, Peter ordered the Kell Hounds to shift fire and press the Lyran Guards, which would force the Royal Guards to shift east. As the Wolves rushed in to plug the overextended line the Twentieth would press the Com Guards. Once the Com Guards were shattered, the Twentieth would envelop and destroy the Royal Guards.[1][34][37][23]
With all reserves engaged on the field now, the Twentieth pushed hard against the Com Guards. The gamble appeared to fail as the Com Guards bent and reformed their line instead of standing fast, though gaps quickly appeared and were exploited by Twentith armor. When a concerted ground attack led by Wolf Jagatai and Twentieth Stingrays hammered around the Com Guards, the Division broke and routed as planned. A company of Vedette tanks isolated and brought down Precentor Kesselring's Spartan, only losing three of their number in the onslaught. Acolyte V Harmis Ichimoto and his Hermes were some of the few to be captured instead of killed. With the eastern flank broken the Twentieth pressed against the Royal Guards from the east, the Wolves from the north, just as the Kell Hounds wheeled away from the Lyran Guards to hammer the Royal Guards from the west.[1][34][38][39][23]
Desperate to escape destruction, Nondi commanded the now disengaged Lyran Guards to slam into the Kell Hound flanks "and damn the losses", a command that surprised her commanders given her granddaughter Sabine Steiner's posting to that unit. Unwilling to throw away his regiment, The Twenty-fourth's commander Peter Riskind instead offered his unconditional surrender, which Peter accepted.[1][34][40]
Nondi managed to escape back to Tharkad City with a battered mixed battalion of Royal Guards ’Mechs and tanks, and that only because a Lyran Guards lightening company sacrificed themselves to slow down the Kell Hounds encirclement just prior to Riskind's surrender.[1][34][23]
With the Loyalist forces smashed in the Battle of the Wash, the Allies took a breather to repair and refit before pushing into the last bastions of Katherine's power on Tharkad; Asgard, Tharkad City, and the Triad. Nondi has ordered the First Royal Guards to hold the Triad at all costs, while the Second Royal and the Eleventh Arcturans held Tharkad City. The push for the Asgard command center, high atop Mount Wotan to the west of began on 27 March. The Wolf Guard anticipated this battle to be the hardest of the three but were met with little resistance. Only static defenses and artillery, with a few missleboat ‘Mechs and vehicles stood between Asgard and the Wolves, and the command center fell quickly.[1][41][23]
The drive to the Triad was not nearly as smooth, the First Royal Guards sold themselves dearly defending the seat of government. Even the ceremonial Manticores guarding the Triad were pulled into action. With Peter at the lead the Twentieth Arcturan suffered heavy losses, amounting to an additional thirty percent of strength in this battle alone. This number might have been worse if not for the timely intervention of the 1894th Light Horse. As Peter's assault began to sag, the Light Horse broke through Royal lines with a heavy battalion, finally collapsing the Loyalist pocket. Light Horse commander Raldin Lwai was killed in this engagement, raising Wu Sen Tang to command the regiment. Once more Nodi slipped through the collapsing lines, managing to lead two companies for a final stand in Tharkad City, intend on leading the final defense in the tightly packed city streets.[1][41][42][43][23]
Nondi's reception at Tharkad City was as cold as the winter. The new commander of the Eleventh Arcturan, Linda McDonald, broadcast on an open channel her frustrations with Nondi's "inconsistent leadership" and questioned "why the hell she was still fighting against her own people when Victor Davion wasn’t even on planet." Capitalizing on this, the Allied commanders accepted the surrender of the Eleventh, though many individuals refused and fought on. Sometime during the fighting for Tharkad City, the commander of the Arcturan Guards Brigade Clifton Schroeder was killed in mysterious circumstances. Rumored causes varied from suicide to silencing by pro-Katherine operatives in order to prevent disclosure of one of her dark secrets.[1][41][44]
Reduced to the savaged remnants of the Royal Guards, Nondi continued the fight until 2 April when Peter located her in the swirling snow a mere two blocks away. Full of venom, Nondi denounced Peter for bringing war to Tharkad and being as duplicitous as his father, Hanse Davion. The duel ended with a Fafnir Gauss round to the Hauptmann's head. Sporadic fighting continued after Nondi's death until the last resistance ended on 5 April. During the fighting in Tharkad City, Roman Steiner's five year-old great-grandchildren, Claire and Klaus were nearly killed and Roman blamed Peter for this reckless act. With Tharkad in Allied hands, the Fed Com Civil War within the borders of the Lyran Alliance came to an end.[1][41][45][23]
Spectre's command was requested to fill the openings in Peter's command company during the battle for Tharkad City. After tangling with the "Fifteenth Guard" (unknown if Arcutran, Donegal, or Lyran, neither were on Tharkad), Spectre located Nondi. After she Peter's last offer to surrender, Spectre destroyed her ’Mech and killed her. Despite being the one to take down Nondi, Spectre allowed Peter to take the credit for the history books.[46]
Despite being captured, Clan Wolf-in-Exile returned the LAS Robert Kelswa and Yggdrasil to the Lyran Alliance. The Kelswa was apparently able to be repaired in system while the Yggdrasil departed to Alarion in September 3067 with a combined Allaince and Clan crew. It misjumped and never arrived. Years later it was found adrift and repaired in time for the 3072 liberation of Tharkad.[16]
Pro-Katherine Hauptmann-General Tellam Stellwar collapsed and died shortly after the Battle of Tharkad, sparing him the indignity of a trial for his actions during the war.[47]
Peter Steiner-Davion was reunited with Deb Carson, a Locust pilot present during his 3056 debacle on Lyons. Thankful for her steadfast support, Peter rewarded her with an appointment to the ceremonial command lance in the reformed First Royal Guards.[48][49][23]
Several famous ’Mechs fought in the Battle of Tharkad, including the Zeus that would propel Kevin Nostra to fame, and Tara Bishop's Pack Hunter which saw its first action on the world.[50][51]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 FedCom Civil War, pp. 175-177: "Tharkad"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 FedCom Civil War, pp. 181-184: "Civil War Deployment Tables"
- ↑ Endgame, ch. 12
- ↑ Endgame, ch. 13
- ↑ FedCom Civil War, p. 161: "Lyran Alliance"
- ↑ Assumption of Risk, ch. 36
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 68: "The Jade Falcon Incursion"
- ↑ Technical Readout: 3067, p. 80: "VR5-R Verfolger"
- ↑ Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 10, p. 9: "Archer"
- ↑ Recognition Guide, Vol. 1: Classics, p. 79: "Archer"
- ↑ Surkai
- ↑ Endgame, ch. 17
- ↑ Objectives: Lyran Alliance, p. 25: "Tharkad"
- ↑ MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, Tharkad - Overlord
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Endgame, ch. 18
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Field Manual: Updates, p. 69: "Admiralty (Star Wolves)"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 46: "Support"
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Field Manual: Updates, p. 68: "Tharkad"
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Endgame, ch. 21
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 Endgame, ch. 25
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 FedCom Civil War, p. 164: "Skye"
- ↑ BattleTech Salvage Box: Visigoth, Carew Nygren Pilot Card
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 Field Manual: Updates, p. 172: "Royal Guard"
- ↑ Endgame, ch. 23
- ↑ Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, p. 10: "DRT-3S Dart"
- ↑ Technical Readout: Clan Invasion, p. 92: "DRT-3S Dart"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 167: "First Alarion Jaegers"
- ↑ MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, Tharkad - Resupply
- ↑ Rock in a Hard Place
- ↑ Field Manual: Mercenaries (Revised), p. 48: "21st Rim Worlds: Ashes to Ashes"
- ↑ Technical Readout: 3067, p. 52: "RZK-9S Razorback"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 126: "39th Avalon Hussars"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 173: "4th Skye Rangers RCT"
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 Endgame, ch. 27
- ↑ BattleTech: Battle of Tukayyid, pp. 34-25: "ComStar Organization"
- ↑ Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 74: "JM6-DD JagerMech"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 69: "Alpha Galaxy (The Dire Wolves)"
- ↑ Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 190: "HER-3S Hermes"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 87: "10th Army V-Nu (The Red Legion)"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 170: "24th Lyran Guard RCT"
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 Endgame, ch. 29
- ↑ Technical Report: 3058 Update, p. 98: "Manticore Heavy Tank"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 47: "1894th Light Horse: Keepers of the Flame"
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 168: "Arcturan Guard"
- ↑ FedCom Civil War, pp. 177-178: "Those Who Would Be Archon"
- ↑ MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, Tharkad - Checkmate
- ↑ Field Manual: Updates, p. 171: "Lyran Regulars"
- ↑ Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 16, p. 6: "Locust"
- ↑ Recognition Guide, Vol. 1: Classics, p. 10: "Locust"
- ↑ MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 118: "Kevin Nostra"
- ↑ MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 50: "Tara Bishop"
- Assumption of Risk
- BattleTech Salvage Box: Visigoth
- Endgame
- FedCom Civil War
- Field Manual: Updates
- MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries
- MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards
- Recognition Guide, Vol. 1: Classics
- Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 10
- Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 16
- Rock in a Hard Place
- Surkai
- Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade
- Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade
- Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade
- Technical Readout: 3067
- Technical Readout: Clan Invasion