Blue Command

Blue Command
Vessel Profile
ClassOverlord Command


The Blue Command was an Overlord-class Command DropShip operated by Clan Jade Falcon.

As of 3052 it was assigned to Vau Galaxy as part of its Naval Support.[1]


  • The exact type of the Blue Command is uncertain. Although consistently described as an Overlord Command class vessel it could be meant to be an Overlord-C-class vessel instead. The Overlord-C-class was not yet written into canon when the source naming the Blue Command was published. For a lack of conclusive evidence to the contrary, and since the Clans have been known to use both regular Clan Overlords and Overlord-Cs,[2] this article decided against assuming it to be an Overlord-C.


  1. Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 79
  2. specifically confirmed for Clan Wolf in The Falcon and the Wolf, c.f. "1st Wolf Guards/Clan Command (The Golden Keshik)", where 1 Clan Overlord-C and 3 Clan Overlords are noted as Support Vessels on p. 54
